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  tony84 said:
i cant remember i have/had the flyer somewhere they were handing out  in the queue for the M E N in may and its in nottingham so ill have to find somewhere to go when it closes to sleep smile.gif



that'll be the 'ICE' event then blink.gif ...they were going all out for flyering that in the queue t'M.E.N. Arena last week rolleyes.gif


...why dont you try Jo? tongue.gif ...and if all else fails, there's a cheapish hotel on corner of the main street coming from Train Station, right opposite it, the Trent and stuff yes.gif

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I left at 3.30...was soo bored! Plus i was flyering for me mates for Early Doors for an hour....



If you were at the after party you well would have seen me, i had a tiny pink and black cyber outfit on, then half way thru the night put me combats and trainers on!


And i was running round like a crazy all night and i dont think i sat down once, or stopped stompin for more than 15 minutes!



Oh and about the tunes failing just as Liam n Rory started, some SCALLY poured his drink into the smoke manchine causing everything to cut out, but then me mate fixed it and OMG did he fix it, the sound system was better than the shit they had in the hard room at the M.E.N, which was shite, you couldn't even hear the mixes on it!









  • CTW Members
  ~charlie~ said:
I left at 3.30...was soo bored!  Plus i was flyering for me mates for Early Doors for an hour....


If you were at the after party you well would have seen me, i had a tiny pink and black cyber outfit on, then half way thru the night put me combats and trainers on!


And i was running round like a crazy all night and i dont think i sat down once, or stopped stompin for more than 15 minutes!


Oh and about the tunes failing just as Liam n Rory started, some SCALLY poured his drink into the smoke manchine causing everything to cut out, but then me mate fixed it and OMG did he fix it, the sound system was better than the shit they had in the hard room at the M.E.N, which was shite, you couldn't even hear the mixes on it!



...yes.gif that were probably one of the 4 scousers that were pissing about near the back of the room rolleyes.gif and i didnt think the sound system @ M.E.N. Arena (Polysexual / GoodGreef room) were *that* bad, although I seee your point nono.gif and you werent the only one t'mention it either no.gif


pink and black cyber outfit? yikes.gif ...there were quite a few of you in pink and black cyber outfits at the afterparty tongue.gif ...although i only came in about just before 7ish unsure.gif


..entertainment t'say the least w00t.gif

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  Spunkmonkey said:
whats on in Nottingham on 3rd May? uhm.gif ...its not the 'Ice' thing is it? eek.gif dont tell me your'e going t'that? yikes.gif ...you'd really need t'have common sense knocked into you then boyo silly.gif


It's the 1st of May that Crasher's N/Ice is on... Gotta say, the one on the 27th November was amazing! None of the shitty organisation that was at the MEN, the stage production was miles better at N/Ice... There were 3 or 4 big screens, about 6 lasers.... And the crowd was generally friendlier.


Guess it's what made MEN even more of a let down - being to N/Ice previously and seeing how things should be done.

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

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