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  • CTW Members

Ok, will probably get slated for this, but how "average" was GK this weekend??


Nice set up, very effective and all, but music was so-so, trance at the end all a bit shite and queueing into the hardhouse arena was crap especially as there were no toilets or a bar in there?


Admittedly the trance was really, really good early on and Lab4 were banging....


deffo not worth the cash or what you excpect from a GK event.

  • CTW Members



Great opportunity fucked up. Good music, crap organisation. I accept that the majority of this was down to the venue and the stewards...


* Having to queue 10 - 40 minutes to get into the hard house room.

* Having to queue 10 - 30 minutes to exit the main arena.

* Having three staircases coming into the main arena, but only one going out. Would of been much better having 1 up/1 down/1 up/1 down.

* They could have had more of the doors/stairways open overall - only four sets for the number of people was ridiculous.

* To go to the toilets from the hard house room and get back could easily take an hour.

* The attitude from clubbers that decided they didn't have to queue. Many not only pushed in, but shoved and pushed you from all directions.


Shame really, could have been really good.

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

Other CTWers verdict of Bukey

can remember gate crasher in october 2001 bein exactly same as that at nec

could not get into main arena let alone out and the only place worth being was the dam ramp to the extra arena cant remember name from back then but was the hard arena and we all jus chilled on the ramp to it in middle as was fed up of in and out arenas

  • CTW DJs

i heardit was pretty quiet there, is that right???

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msn - punani65@hotmail.com


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think it was chemical arena i was on about lol

  • CTW Members

I've got to agree with you Pablo. I thought the music in the main arena was nothing outstanding although it was very good, the main arena was impresive with the lighting and displays but i didn't think the sound did it all that much justice.


I do like my hard dance more than my trance but i could only last 5 mins in the Goodgreef arena. I thought the sound was terrible, the lighting was crap, the room was a real let down and there didn't really appear to be much of an atmosphere, when i was in there. I probably didn't give it long enough.


Overall i had a really good night though.

  • CTW Members
I've got to agree with you Pablo. I thought the music in the main arena was nothing outstanding although it was very good, the main arena was impresive with the lighting and displays but i didn't think the sound did it all that much justice.


The music in the main arena was good - but nothing extra special. Though I really enjoyed the music. The big problem sound wise was that they only had one set of speakers - the big set hanging down centre front - no other sound was in that huge arena.


I do like my hard dance more than my trance but i could only last 5 mins in the Goodgreef arena. I thought the sound was terrible, the lighting was crap, the room was a real let down and there didn't really appear to be much of an atmosphere, when i was in there. I probably didn't give it long enough.


The big problem with the hard house room was banging the stage in the middle of the room - it would've been better at the far end. As it was, you had a limited view of the DJ and it also kept the critical mass in the centre of the room so you couldn't pass from one side to the other easily. It was also very cold on the outsides of the room.

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

Other CTWers verdict of Bukey

  • CTW Members

haha go Bukey you know's ur stuff eh

im that kind of person as well i woulda noticed whereabouts the speakers was n how big they was n how much sound was from them.

sounds like God wasnt in his Kitchen that night eh

  • CTW Members

very glad i dint bother now

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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