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why do you think you either are or arent


Do you rate urself as good looking/attractive/minging/the nice perosnilty type or what


Wht improvements if any would you make


What do you have to offer a partner that makes you more appealing than someone else


Whats your pulling technique? How do you get that certain person to want you?


Do you like badgers?

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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why do you think you either are or arent i think im a fairly good catch, im a nice loving person, im generous and thoughtful so i cant be that bad!


Do you rate urself as good looking/attractive/minging/the nice perosnilty type or what well my boyfriend says im gorgeous but i have a low self opinion of myself because of the way ive been treated in the past


Wht improvements if any would you make ooohhhhh where do i start, lol. biggest one would definately to go back to being as skinny as i used to be


What do you have to offer a partner that makes you more appealing than someone else i have no idea, ask my boyfriend!


Whats your pulling technique? How do you get that certain person to want you? don't really have one, normally wait for the lads to start chatting to me!


Do you like badgers? i like all animals, thats why im doing BSc Animal Behaviour & Welfare lol.gif

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why do you think you either are or arent i think that i could be yes because i know i got respect for me chicks n thats what they need n deserve.


Do you rate urself as good looking/attractive/minging/the nice perosnilty type or what im kind of good lookin on some days n other days i just wanna put the mirror in lol but i gots a nice personality. i take after me mum and so i am a bit shy in some ways n a wee bitty lower than average self esteem, but i can be funny and wild lol! happydance.gif


Wht improvements if any would you make i'd like to have Vin Diesels body lol


What do you have to offer a partner that makes you more appealing than someone else full time honor and respect for her, and no cheating. cheating i cant do or accept at all ever in any situation and i will not do it, i aint no sleaze bag.


Whats your pulling technique? How do you get that certain person to want you? don't really have one, if out at a club i would dance near them n maybe get closer n then see if i can dance with them n see where it takes us


Do you like badgers? whats that got to do with all this? lol

erm yeah i like badgers lol.gif

  • CTW Members
why do you think you either are or arent


Do you rate urself as good looking/attractive/minging/the nice perosnilty type or what


Wht improvements if any would you make


What do you have to offer a partner that makes you more appealing than someone else


Whats your pulling technique?  How do you get that certain person to want you?


Do you like badgers?



i would like to see your answer to those smile.gif



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why do you think you either are or arent - yes in a way im independant, funny, good and adventurous in bed, im not needy or jelous, im caring and romantic and loyal, only thing is i get bored easily but as long as with someone who keeps me on my toes


Do you rate urself as good looking/attractive/minging/the nice perosnilty type or what - ummmm im not as perfect as id like to be but i wldnt say i was aminger either, i reckon im about 7 out of 10


Wht improvements if any would you make - id have slightly bigger boobs, id have thicker hair as mine doesnty hold some of the styles id like to have, id be a bit taller and slightly slimmer


What do you have to offer a partner that makes you more appealing than someone else - ummm fck knows (gosh my q's r hard when you have to answer them)


Whats your pulling technique? How do you get that certain person to want you? It depends if i just want them as fcuk buddies i tend to make friends with them as i want someone who i can be mates with aswell as just fcuk cos i liketo feel comfortable around them - for someone i wanna get with properly i shock them by doing something realy rude usually


Do you like badgers?

Yes badgers r cool i have a fluffy one at my desk at work too now



n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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why do you think you either are or arent

I don't think I am... I guess I can be a pain in the arse to be in a relationship with.


Do you rate urself as good looking/attractive/minging/the nice perosnilty type or what

I don't think I'm good looking at all... It's not a hangup - I'm just me. One thing I've learned to accept though is that beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. I'm not goodlooking to me, and I guess the majority of people. I have learned to accept that I have been goodlooking to a few others though.


Wht improvements if any would you make

More reliable, but more laidback.


What do you have to offer a partner that makes you more appealing than someone else

Only other people could answer that really.


Whats your pulling technique? How do you get that certain person to want you?

Pah... I don't have one....


Do you like badgers?

Not fussed one way or the other.

Edited by Bukey

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

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why do you think you either are or arent

I think im a reasonably good catch, I have goals, a good sense of humour, I can laugh at myself, am laidback and have morals.


Do you rate urself as good looking/attractive/minging/the nice perosnilty type or what

I think im quite good looking, I have an image and am quite confident so maybe thats more what it is rather than actually being typically good looking


What improvements if any would you make

Id like to put on a bit of weight lol!!!


What do you have to offer a partner that makes you more appealing than someone else

Good fashion advice, I could be their style advisor!


Whats your pulling technique? How do you get that certain person to want you?

I dont have a specific way to chat someone up, I would just talk to them. I can make people laugh so that usually helps


Do you like badgers?

Ive never met one


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why do you think you either are or arent

Well in some ways i think i'm reasonably good. I'm very level headed, i think all actions through before making them although i'm very spontaneous. I never like hurting peoples fealings and never play with them. I love helping people and take great pride in making people smile.



Do you rate urself as good looking/attractive/minging/the nice perosnilty type or what

Fairly good looking, i take a huge amount of pride in my self presentation but not to the excess of being vain (sp), i couldn't really give a monkeys waht other people think about me as long as i'm happy. Unless it's people close to me or i'm offending or hurting someone with my actions.



What improvements if any would you make

Teeth. I haven't got bad teeth or anything but i'd love to have a perfect Hollywood set of nashers!



What do you have to offer a partner that makes you more appealing than someone else

Time to listen. I'm not one to be forthcoming when meeting someone new but once they get to know me i have all the time in the world for that person. I surpose its all about trust. I've been fu**ed about too many times to fall for it again.



Whats your pulling technique? How do you get that certain person to want you?

I don't have one. I Just talk to people and be myself. My mates are always giving me shit for not following up stuff when a woman is hitting on me, i never see the signs and just think that the person is being nice. I'm shite at it really!!



Do you like badgers?

Do i ever. I'm a major fan of the honey badger but an even bigger fan of the lesser crossed Japanese tiger stoat.



  • CTW Members

do you think your a good catch


why do you think you either are or arent

Not really no ... I'm far to independant and have been out of it for too long!


Do you rate urself as good looking/attractive/minging/the nice perosnilty type or what

Doesn't really matter how I rate myself (i'm very content and happy with who I am) Wish I could be meaner at times though and not a push over!



What improvements if any would you make

Too late for that I think lol.gif


What do you have to offer a partner that makes you more appealing than someone else

I can't remember w00t.gif


Whats your pulling technique? How do you get that certain person to want you?

No idea ...(i'll be reading and pinching the good ones later)


Do you like badgers?

Hell Yes!!



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i wouldnt think ud be one to be a push over though you come accross as a strong willed one

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW Members
do you think your a good catch


why do you think you either are or arent

Not really no ... I'm far to independant and have been out of it for too long!


Do you rate urself as good looking/attractive/minging/the nice perosnilty type or what

Doesn't really matter how I rate myself (i'm very content and happy with who I am) Wish I could be meaner at times though and not a push over!



What improvements if any would you make

Too late for that I think  lol.gif


What do you have to offer a partner that makes you more appealing than someone else

I can't remember  w00t.gif


Whats your pulling technique? How do you get that certain person to want you?

No idea ...(i'll be reading and pinching the good ones later)


Do you like badgers?

Hell Yes!!




I'm sure it ain't all that bad Dawn

  • CTW Members

why do you think you either are or arent I think so, or atleast i hope so or i ain't got a hope in hell have i?


Do you rate urself as good looking/attractive/minging/the nice perosnilty type or what I try and look at it this way... while i may not be as good looking as some i am DEFINATELY better look than others!


Wht improvements if any would you make Nose has a bump in it, i'd get shot of that straight away!


What do you have to offer a partner that makes you more appealing than someone else Dunno... i'll have to ask!


Whats your pulling technique? How do you get that certain person to want you? don't have a technique... i think walking up to someone and using chat-up lines and stuff is just plan wrong... hence the reason everyone i've been out with i met through a friend... we became friends first then more!


Do you like badgers? Love 'em... specially dancing gadgers!!

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I'm sure it ain't all that bad Dawn



Reading it back it does sound woe is me doesn't it lol.gif


I don't have a problem with singledom ... it's others that do and are always on my case


I have far to much fun when i'm out to think about things like men and the hunt & chase happydance.gif


  • CTW Members



I'm sure it ain't all that bad Dawn



Reading it back it does sound woe is me doesn't it lol.gif


I don't have a problem with singledom ... it's others that do and are always on my case


I have far to much fun when i'm out to think about things like men and the hunt & chase happydance.gif



Dead on. being single is great, most of the time!!!!!! happydance.gif


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Yeah ... Most sleep.gif


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