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thats where the problem of and yes i no its our own faults but y6oung mums who cant go out and work to fund tuition as a child needs a parent about yet they want to have the same oppotunities as everyone else there age jus cos they have had a child dont mean they should be treated differently.

i want to do jus a normal college course but the equiptment costs a lot, i love messing with ppls hair and would love to do hair and possibly beauty and have in future a mobile or work from home business its a lot easier can work on my own hours and a lot of the time shay could come with me but i jus cant afford to do it





My post was just a general one hun, just because it was directly under yours doesn't mean i was aiming it at you. I was talking about students in general going to uni.


Although with regards to being a single parent and not being able to do the course you want etc because of it, then i'm sure there's a way round it as others have mentioned, and if not then yes it's not a great situation for you but society these days is like that and you make your decisions and then live with them.


If that means that you can't do the course now then why not wait a while til shay is older and do it then, when you should have some more money spare and also more free time to dedicate to study and eventually to go back to work. smile.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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yeah but i don't see why people should pay for it when politicians take the piss with the way they spend the money. not only do they have wages but claim everything as expenses. if they cut their wages and stopped them from claiming unnecessary expenses (surely you use your wages to pay your mortgage etc - i don't know any other job than you can claim this as an expense) then maybe i'd think it was ok.


maybe then the government wouldn't be crying poverty as much.






Yeah, i agree they do take the piss with their spending but you can't really stop that and i can't see it changing as politicians are always gonna take the piss, so instead you just have to pay the fees and get on with it if you really want to study unfortunmately.


I'd much rather it was done that way than taken away from hospitals/pensions etc.

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Lib Dem for me i think was kinda thinking go conservative as even though wld rathervote lib dem conservative have more of a chance but i think a lot of ppl are going to vote ld this yr anyay so fcuk it and vote them anyones better than another 5 yrs of Blair imo



n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

im on income support and not paid national insurance in ages and who the hell are they according to the one office i cant get much help accept the list of courses they have



Your national insurance is automatically paid for you when you receive either child benefit or job seekers or income support ... any benefit gets your NI paid!


thats where the problem of and yes i no its our own faults but y6oung mums who cant go out and work to fund tuition as a child needs a parent about yet they want to have the same oppotunities as everyone else there age jus cos they have had a child dont mean they should be treated differently.




Yes it does ... of course they're treated differently .. Because they have a child which they choose to have!


No life can be the same once you have a child!


clair i was saying all single mums lol


dawn yes but it doesnt mean just because we have had children means we are alians because we arnt we have rights to do and have same benefits as everyone else meaning education, ppl moan because single parents are on benefits but most of us would rather not be but you add up the amount of rent, bills, child care, council tax, and living expenses and you are worse off if your a single parent working to a couple working. 2 wages make a difference and the jobs u get these days are poxy pay to what a career can pay, yer i no what claires saying about wait a while but u no i dont want to i want to get back on my feet and see i am trying to do summat for me but the government make it difficult oh and i ment tax not ni

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read back a bit lisa they have a list of courses they will pay ya to do all bein 10 week courses and no real qualifications at the end they help get u a factory job or summat and that is not for me lol

i can do factory work i have in the past there is also another which is pub work how stupid is that for a course i ran a nightclub for 2 years smile.gif  thanx though but i want to do a proper colloege course on hair dressing and have a proper qualification  at the end not a certificate for doin what the job center puts u on




& where did you get this info from Dani??? uhm.gif


There is no end of courses you can do & as I say being a single parent on benefits there is a way round paying for your exams etc, have you looked into it properlly??


My neighbour is not working & is doing a music course etc all paid for, which if say Tony wanted to take would cost a fortune.


They also do a computor course you can take from home & all you need to do is drop your course in one day each week thumbsup.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Promotors

Another kick up the arse Dani, quit being so damn fooking negative, you can do anything you want, you just need to get yourself out there find out what is available & do it rolleyes.gifthumbsup.gif


You post as if having a child & being single is a disability FFS im sorry but there are lots of us whp have been in the same boat & worse yet we managed & some have even made ace careers etc being in the same boat.


Rant over blahblah.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

im going on what my one officer told me the other week when i went in to enquire about doing a hair dressing course and to see if i could get help with the equiptment and was told they only helped with a certain amount of courses and gave me a list

im not bein negative though i jus dont like bein told im different cos ive had a child young and saying we should be treated different i jus didnt agree with that.

im contacting the college and asking about what emma said next week when im 100% better as at min i cant talk still lol im off balance and its annoying



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Dani you constantly keep on about having kids young etc etc, well as ive stated before, you are not alone I also had 3 at a young age & brought the 3 up on my own for the longest time etc, I do not use them as a scape goat though, which if im honest seems you are & you only have the one with you so there are lots of options open to you.


Of course you have to pay for your own equipment etc in certainb course & you wont get everything for free, life is not like that but you have to sacrifice at times to achieve your goals & if that means no net, no phone, no going clubbing etc etc, then so be it if it is what you really want & to better yourself grin.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

read back a bit lisa they have a list of courses they will pay ya to do all bein 10 week courses and no real qualifications at the end they help get u a factory job or summat and that is not for me lol

i can do factory work i have in the past there is also another which is pub work how stupid is that for a course i ran a nightclub for 2 years smile.gif  thanx though but i want to do a proper colloege course on hair dressing and have a proper qualification  at the end not a certificate for doin what the job center puts u on



Danni, the job centre will tell you outright what sort of courses there are, for peopel on benefits. I mean, look at me, I was unemployed for over a YEAR when I moved back here. I was on the dole from March last year untill only a few days ago ! I went from bein gon the dole claiming basic Job Seekers Allowance, then onto New Deal with an increase of £15 pounds every fortnight, and in January, as I had been on New Deal for quit some time, I then had a choice of either doing Voluntary Work, or taking an available (of what the Job Centre actually provides for people on benefits) course, to which, they will tell you what courses are avaialble. Some courses are not actually available AS OF YET, as funding for different courses, varies. You seem far too picky Danny, and are making out it's the Job Centres fault you can't get the qulification you need. You say you can't be arsed even looking on Google !


Well Danni, I don't mean to come across being harsh but you're always winging and moaning that you can't get this or that but you don't seem to be picking up your arse and actually finding things out. Thanks to the Job Centre, and for me getting my arse in gear and finding out Career Information, I've recently completed a Computer Hard and Software Course, finished that 2 weeks ago, I'm half way getting my Qualification to be a PC Technician / Engineer, and only last week I had an Interview, after completeing my course, and the day after, I got the job. I'v now got an amazing well paid job, with excellent career prospects all in, and my life at the moment could not be better in terms of work. I've got my career in my hands right now and I can do what ever it is I want with it ! And when I sit my exams, and if I pass .. then I will be laughing. I'm 24, and I've got a perfect life / career mapped out right under my nose. Don't be so choosey, everyone has to start off at the bottom to eventually get somewhere. Quit ya winging and ya can't be arsed to do something about it, because the more you 'can't be arsed' the more you aint going to get anywhere love !


I've learned the hard way - and I'm thanksfull I'm 24 years old, and I'm almost on top of the world and am going places, which you can too if you get off the net and stop thinking about this and that and actually put these thoughts into action !

Also Danni, there really is no such word as 'can't'. If you want something, you have to do it yourself .. not expect everything to fall in your own lap or be spoon fed. I've really learnt the hard way, but as you are young, dont leave it too late, or you will regret it !

nah i mean help with costing i didnt say for free and its near on 200 quid for the equiptment which ya need to start the course

im not using them as a scape goat at all just saying ppl moan about single parents bein out of work yet government should look wide spread and somehow with the education services provided be a little more help and thats what the debate was on but i had my opinion same as others. most have family around to help i dont so does a lot of others not get help from family thats was what my point was that is all


  • CTW Promotors
nah i mean help with costing i didnt say for free and its near on 200 quid for the equiptment which ya need to start the course

im not using them as a scape goat at all just saying ppl moan about single parents bein out of work yet government should look wide spread and somehow with the education services provided be a little more help and thats what the debate was on but i had my opinion same as others. most have family around to help i dont so does a lot of others not get help from family thats was what my point was that is all




Again your not looking at the bigger picture here Dani!! I think he problem as Maria has said lies with you & no-one else sorry but she is right & I know from being a single parent too that there is options open to you, even if you do this course from home which is free etc at least you will have some pc know how & a qualification etc, maybe look into going back to work & start in a hair dressers as an apprentice part time etc & get bennefit s too as I know you can do this, have you looked intot that possibility??

Techno, Techno, Techno

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