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clair it is cruel cos he gets a red ring on his bum lol


it is a trainer seat aswell and we have tried that route and he is at that phase of dont like anything

and i do try encourage him and ask him and he does tell me he needs a wee or poo he jus refuses to go on the toilet/ potty


oh the joys he cant start school whilst not trained either sad.gif

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Red ring? How long do you have him sat there? lol.gif



Seriously though hun, it's perseverance and not giving in because he doesn't like it to start with.. it's new to him and probably a bit scary. Sometimes you have got to be cruel to be kind.. not that it is cruel, it's part of life.. he'll thank you for it in the end as you don't want him still in nappies at 18 do you wink.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

i was tired once n made him sit there till he did something then was clapping and praising and his bum was red from sitting there lol.gif

was only a bit and he thought it was good but still didnt help :S


il get there lol bloody best do

  • CTW Promotors

Dani how old is Shay now?? This time of year is ideal for potty training & in all fairness it is not that hard & also they do NOT have to be potty trained to go to a child minder or creche. bigwink.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

he is 3 in july and starts proper nursery in october if he is potty trained


he should have been done before now but with all the traveling for court ive not had chance to do so, i let him run round naked now and glad i dont have carpets as accidents dont matter so much but school wants him to be dry

he is 3 in july and starts proper nursery in october if he is potty trained


he should have been done before now but with all the traveling for court ive not had chance to do so, i let him run round naked now and glad i dont have carpets as accidents dont matter so much but school wants him to be dry

  • CTW DJs
and your not the only one who has to work to pay they're way, i think most people do. i know i certainly do.


and why the fuck should people have to pay for the privallige of going to uni, and then labour want to slap them with a graduate tax where they will have to pay a higher tax band just because they went.



So you dont believe that people who have more money should 'chip in' a little more then?? This is what pisses me off about election arguements - people end up complaining that the gvt is spending more, and things are costing more (hence, money needs to come from somewhere), yet its the same people saying these things now, as the ones whinging about the need for a 'minimum wage'...





As I said before, Labour are a bunch of inbred assholes, but the rest are even worse and will probably screw this country up in a way Labour couldnt even imagine (especially those ukip wankers) sad.gif

Edited by Chris Hutchinson

  • CTW DJs
read back a bit lisa they have a list of courses they will pay ya to do all bein 10 week courses and no real qualifications at the end they help get u a factory job or summat and that is not for me lol

i can do factory work i have in the past there is also another which is pub work how stupid is that for a course i ran a nightclub for 2 years smile.gif  thanx though but i want to do a proper colloege course on hair dressing and have a proper qualification  at the end not a certificate for doin what the job center puts u on



get in touch with learn direct... you can study for qualifications from home that way

  • CTW Members
and your not the only one who has to work to pay they're way, i think most people do. i know i certainly do.


and why the fuck should people have to pay for the privallige of going to uni, and then labour want to slap them with a graduate tax where they will have to pay a higher tax band just because they went.



So you dont believe that people who have more money should 'chip in' a little more then?? This is what pisses me off about election arguements - people end up complaining that the gvt is spending more, and things are costing more (hence, money needs to come from somewhere), yet its the same people saying these things now, as the ones whinging about the need for a 'minimum wage'...





As I said before, Labour are a bunch of inbred assholes, but the rest are even worse and will probably screw this country up in a way Labour couldnt even imagine (especially those ukip wankers) sad.gif



i don't personally have to pay for my uni fees and get a hardship grant but no i don't think people should have to pay for uni, it's not fair that while people are training for often vital jobs e.g. doctors etc why should they have to pay. they'll give enough back in 40% tax later on. rolleyes.gif


and everyone knows people like UKIP aren't gonna get in power, it'll be either labour or conservative and i know now i'd rather have anyone than tony blair. i guess there's a small outside chance we might have the LibDems but that all depends on how many people take the "if you don't vote for labour or conservative its a wasted vote" attitude.


anyway, enough arguing - I'm entitled to my own opinion and your entitled to yours. imo the day the governments stop wasting money and stop letting immigrants in to steal all our hard earned money and services ill be more than happy to pay for things like uni.





oh and dani - you know you've been going on about paying for equipment? well just a thought but even if you didnt have to buy it on your course you'd have to buy it afterwards. you should look at something like that as an investment if you cant get any help towards buying it.


Student Support


this link is to the government page for student support. theres loads of info on there including all the different grants available to parents including childcare grant, lone parents grant, parents' learning allowance and child tax credit. it's a hell of a lot of form filling and i know you have to fill in a lot of forms twice but if you're serious about this you'll have to do it.


now don't say i don't do anything for you. w00t.gif

  • CTW DJs
anyway, enough arguing - I'm entitled to my own opinion and your entitled to yours. imo the day the governments stop wasting money and stop letting immigrants in to steal all our hard earned money and services ill be more than happy to pay for things like uni.



This is what worries me (and your not the only one im talking about, although your the only one in this particular topic on this forum) in that you dont seem to HAVE your own opinion, and just reel off the usual election 'propoganda' which is splashed across newspapers etc*


Imigration isnt something which can simply be stopped - blame brussels as its the European Court Of Law tieing the gvt's hands on many occations... NO CHANGE OF GOVERNMENT COULD CHANGE THE EUROPEAN COURT OF LAWS RULING (and 'dropping out of europe' isnt a viable option as a way of circumnavigating this)


And also, "stop letting immigrants in to steal all our hard earned money and services" is technically a racist comment so you should probably try to phrase it better - most immigrants are here legally and work hard to create a way of life that isnt possible in their own country so stop tarring them all with one brush





(* im guessing your next points will be about the state of the nhs and the war in iraq... thats the way it usually goes in these 'discussions' anyway)

  • CTW DJs
i don't personally have to pay for my uni fees and get a hardship grant but no i don't think people should have to pay for uni, it's not fair that while people are training for often vital jobs e.g. doctors etc why should they have to pay. they'll give enough back in 40% tax later on.  rolleyes.gif



People studying for a career in the health sector are entitled to NHS bursarys... so they get quite a bit of 'free' money whilst studying as it is

read back a bit lisa they have a list of courses they will pay ya to do all bein 10 week courses and no real qualifications at the end they help get u a factory job or summat and that is not for me lol

i can do factory work i have in the past there is also another which is pub work how stupid is that for a course i ran a nightclub for 2 years smile.gif  thanx though but i want to do a proper colloege course on hair dressing and have a proper qualification   at the end not a certificate for doin what the job center puts u on



get in touch with learn direct... you can study for qualifications from home that way




been with them before they dont do anything that interests me ive made my mind up what will be good for me in the future and its a hands on u cant learn this from home


and yes emma i know but its affording a dolls head at 60 quid to pratice on and a load of stuff id never need in future all in 1 shot u need to pay my mate did the course wen we left school n it was high then if they let pay off so much would be easier but paying in 1 go before u get ya equiptment to work with is what i meant

  • CTW Members
This is what worries me (and your not the only one im talking about, although your the only one in this particular topic on this forum) in that you dont seem to HAVE your own opinion, and just reel off the usual election 'propoganda' which is splashed across newspapers etc*


Imigration isnt something which can simply be stopped - blame brussels as its the European Court Of Law tieing the gvt's hands on many occations... NO CHANGE OF GOVERNMENT COULD CHANGE THE EUROPEAN COURT OF LAWS RULING (and 'dropping out of europe' isnt a viable option as a way of circumnavigating this)


And also, "stop letting immigrants in to steal all our hard earned money and services" is technically a racist comment so you should probably try to phrase it better - most immigrants are here legally and work hard to create a way of life that isnt possible in their own country so stop tarring them all with one brush





(* im guessing your next points will be about the state of the nhs and the war in iraq... thats the way it usually goes in these 'discussions' anyway)



excuse but who the hell do you think you are? what right have you to tell me that this isnt my own opinion. yes it bloody well is. what makes you any better than anyone else where as your opinion counts but mine doesnt?


and yes your right the immigration and assylum issue has probably made me racist. just because im not some do gooder who believes in letting eveyone in the country to do what the hell they want. and you say the immigration issue cannot be changed by a change of goverment as it is to do with the EU? well how come all the other countries don't have this problem? BECAUSE THEY ARENT AS SOFT AS WE ARE. britain is seen as a soft touch and if they manage to make it here they think they'll have it made. and we shouldn't have a single assylum seeker in this country as the rules of assylum say you should seek it in the next safe country boardering yours. well which countries surrounding us have people needing assylum? none of them. the only reason we have got them is because the other european countries won't except them and pass them on to us. we are a soft touch and need to stand stronger against it.


and yes i am very against assylum seekers. but tell me if this is fair...


an assylum seeker or immigrant claiming benefits in this country currently receives more than my dad. my dad worked hard all his life, hardly ever had a day off and always paid his taxes and NI. a couple of years ago he slipped 3 discs in his back and unfortunately the way it happened theres nothing they can do about it so he'll be registered disabled for the rest of his life. he's only 42. he currently gets about £100 less a month than the assylum seekers or immigrants claiming benefits. now tell me if thats fair?


also, you say most immigrants are here legally and work hard. but where does their wages go? back home to their families not into our economy which we have worked hard to build up.


and what happens if i wanted a council house? oh yeah you can't have one for atleast 2 years because we've none left because they've all gone to the assylum seekers.


and imo (YES THATS MY OWN OPINION THAT IM ENTITLED TO) im not racist, im patriotic and believe that me and my people should come first! i have nothing against those that have been here for generations because in my eyes they are also english. and also how the hell can i be racist when i work in a call centre and probably mroe than 50% of my friends at work at asian.

Edited by RaverBaby69

emma ur dad needs to push at a high rate beneefit where he will get an extra few hundred a month my dad has been disabled 5 years and cant work he can walk with great dificulty but he has major problems with his knees he cant bend them and they hurt, its an hereditory thing as my nan has it and now im getting it and i no it bloody hurts

my dad gets a higher rate and instead of benefits has a car on mobility for his wife to drive

  • CTW Members

believe me dani my dad has tried and tried again.


he doesn't get a car on mobility yet because he can still walk a short distance. again it's because he can still walk a short distance he is getting all the problems. maybe in a couple of years when he's in a wheel chair they'll finally listen.


infact they just had to swap their car because he could no longer get in and out of the punto they had, and have had to get a vauxhall zafira (sp?) because its a lot higher up. also he's got to drive an automatic now because he cant physically push the clutch down. but they won't give him a car unfortunately.

Edited by RaverBaby69

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