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Right Dani I treid & & where it says blah blah there was a bit saying this..


You did not access the site using a URL that specified a valid Channel number. Try registering directly via the Creating Careers channel. where ive highlighted bold, this was showing as dark blue, click it chick bigwink.gif


Techno, Techno, Techno

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lisa reply jus before urs wont let me register tongue.gif

i tried it says what i copied and pasted and yer i am on run and i am on his mind as everytime i go see my family he always finds out if someone see's me and comes knocking even though last time it was me who sent him flying right into the bush i had enough of his bullying tongue.gif he never bothered me since touch wood

ok thanx doh im stupid


and yer cheers will give a go smile.gif

  • CTW Promotors

Dani I have just done the same thing & I clicked where it states this *You did not access the site using a URL that specified a valid Channel number. Try registering directly via the Creating Careers channel.* & I got through & it lets you reg honey, go back & re read it properly its all there beer.gif


Techno, Techno, Techno

what course is better on that list for me lol i dunno what most are tongue.gif


i never said i wanted anything handed on a plate

It certainly comes across as you do!


all i asked was advice if anyone knew of anywhere i could work from home that didnt charge,  and all i get is if i say i cant do summat or it will be hard i get jumped on.  there is no offices here anyway bang goes that idea, the shops in town are designer crap or supermarkets im sure as damed they would let a 2 year old in while someone cleans and prob have proffessionals to do that, i have done cleaning work before.

advise (v)

counsel, direct, recommend, guide, instruct, warn, opine

inform, let know, make aware, notify, instruct, tell




i wanted advice not shit off ppl all the time, every post i put up is either had a go at, laughed at or slated i dont no why i bother anymore


advise (v)

counsel, direct, recommend, guide, instruct, warn, opine

inform, let know, make aware, notify, instruct, tell


i hardly ever come on.



at least lou even tho we dont get on came up with some links and advice on childcare and what would benefit me.


How selfish ... how can you say that when people have gone out their way to come up with ideas for you!


im not slacking and i dont not want to go back to work i want to make life easier for shay. we stay in most days cos im really getting strict on his potty training  that is why i wanted to be at home

So letting a 2 year old sit on his own in a bedroom watching dvd's whilst your on the computer most of the day is doing that ... Its not good for either one of you not going out at all during the day, even when potty training, you can put those special pants on and go down the park for an hour or so everyday, it's not going to harm the training!


not to be told i dont try and im useless and stuff cos i do try


Dani .. NO ONE is saying your useless at all, we know you and know your anything but, but what I think is being said is you have to help yourself and be positive along the way, your negativity will rub off on Shay which can't be a good thing.


i have had an interview with a one officer at the job center telling me best jobs to go for are shelf stacking and stuff what benefits and how better off am i going to be for my son i will have less money when worked out after rent and stuff unless i had qualifications but i dont want to be stuck at home i do want to do something i miss working and having adult conversation

I won't/can't believe thats true ... Your wages are made up with family working tax and child working tax to make sure you are on more money than staying at home and that includeds paying full rent and reduced council tax!



and i no even this reply will be had a go at and i do take all ur advise into account it was a good idea but to do stuff like that ud need a hygeine certificate, and ok'd to go into a food business



No your wrong there Dani .. you've made a post with your opinions in it ... I'm replying with my opinions .. I'm far from having a go at you ... even I after reading some peoples posts change my views on things ... or see things differently or change how I do things!!

dawn shay choses to watch dvds i dont make him, i been on net mainly looking at what i can do career advise ect the past week or so whilst i was ill, i did go see a one adviser it might of been cos i was in refuge theye told me that as they do try to put u off working. u have to pay for all the extras they provide at the refuge if u work and thats bad.

shay is lazy ive tried pull ups and he will jus piss in them cos they feel like a nappie, with normal pants he knows cos he didnt like it wen he did wee in them he got wet and hated it and cried since he has told me he needs a wee and gone wen wearing normal pants but only at home im trying to get him to do it out but we went shop in them and he wee'd sad.gif

its only been over the weekend so far im getting there


A 2 year old that chooses to watch dvd's .. Dani just listen to yourself ... Give him some other choice then! colouring painting playing singing shouting!!


Let him 'p' in his pants then when your out .. all little kiddies have accidents ... doesn't matter if your out at all, and if he really dislikes it that much then I think he'll be sorted sooner rather than later smile.gif


Whats the refuge got to do with how they advise you ... your not at the refuge anymore so that can't have anything to do with it .. i'd ask to see another advisor if I was you.



lisa im applyed for the next step it one i no the basics but it has optional web building and such and im interested in that sort of thing as well as spread sheets which is always good for jobs

  • CTW Promotors
what course is better on that list for me lol  i dunno what most are tongue.gif




First post ive read, still to read the others after!! baz.gif But need to say this!


Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Dani are you capable of anything hahahahahhaha rolleyes.gif


There is a list there FFS, pc basic etc & child care & alsorts, only you can decide what you want to do honey, I went for the pc courses as most jobs these days are pc based, but it is up to you beer.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

i chose one there was s hort list i gone for second stage it one as spread sheets and web building and stuff on it always handy in most stuff say i do make it as a free lance hair dresser id need to use pc spread sheets and stuff to work out finances price list ect

There you go see grin.gif


And forward thinking with the hairdressing too thumbsup.gif

thats what the home working was about saving for equiptment lol

and giving shay a few extra's



I was more on about .. looking and finding ... because you've just proved you can do it bigwink.gif


But i know what your saying and it is hard bringing kiddies up on your own .. all I can say is 'it does get better and easier' smile.gif

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