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The term "w00t" (sometimes "wh00t") is a slang interjection used to express happiness or excitement, usually over the Internet. The expression is most popular on USENET posts [1] (http://groups-beta.google.com/group/alt.test/browse_thread/thread/e7309f06c3c613c2/336c0c06168f42bd?q=w00t+group:alt.test&_done=%2Fgroups%3Fq%3Dw00t+group:alt.test%26start%3D30%26scoring%3Dd%26num%3D10%26hl%3Den%26ie%3DUTF-8%26lr%3D%26as_drrb%3Dq%26as_qdr%3D%26as_mind%3D1%26as_minm%3D1%26as_miny%3D1981%26as_maxd%3D26%26as_maxm%3D1%26as_maxy%3D2005%26safe%3Doff%26&_doneTitle=Back+to+Search&&d#336c0c06168f42bd), multiplayer computer games (especially first-person shooters), IRC chats, and instant messages, though use on the World Wide Web in the form of weblogs or in forums is by no means uncommon.


The definite origin of the term "w00t" is unknown. One theory claims that usage of this term dates back to the mid-1990s, when it was probably derived from the alternative spellings of whoomp and whoot. These spellings are variously used in the phrases, "Whoomp, there it is," or "Whoot, there it is" from two songs in 1993 from rap groups Tag Team and 95 South, respectively. Another possibility is that it came from the vocalization made by the character in games of the Quake series when a jump is performed, usually done on an opposing player's body after being shot. However, as Quake was only first released in 1996, this etymology probably only furthered the popularity of the existing term. Others have theorized the term is an acronym for "We Owned the Other Team", or that "w00t" finds its origin in the sounds of a jubilant Daffy Duck, though there is little evidence to support these theories. It has also been alleged that "w00t" is a contraction of the phrase "wonderous loot!" or "wow, loot!", used in Ultima Online and Everquest whenever a player found large quantities of treasure, although it is uncertain if this is really the case. "w00t" is also somewhat like the Scots word "hoots", which is used in a similar manner—an exclamation signifying surprise, disbelief, or kindred reaction. Another likely origin is as an expression used in cracker subculture (see security cracking) upon breaking into a vulnerable Unix system and obtaining root access: "woot, I have root!"


A September 6, 2004 article (http://www.adage.com/news.cms?newsId=41424) (free registration required) on AdAge.com indicated that the term comes "from gaming slang—the original use meant 'Wow! Loot' in Dungeons and Dragons play—and is now a common exclamation of excitement in Net culture."


It is sometimes explained that "w00t" is an exclamation of excitement, which cannot be used sarcastically. Because Internet text-based chat cannot communicate the vocal subtleties of spoken word, such as sarcasm, word choice can be very important to the clarity of a message. "Whoo-hoo", "yay", "hooray", and other words similar to "w00t" could all be used with sarcastic intent ("I have a dentist's appointment today. Yay."), whereas "w00t" would always be interpreted as a genuine expression of excitement (I have a dentist's appointment today. w00t!").


"w00t" is pronounced to rhyme with "boot" or "shoot", and can also be written as "woot", "w00+", "w007", or any number of other leetspeak variations. The "w" in "w00t" is sometimes also followed by an "h", as in "wh00t", "whoot" or "wh007". Some argue that "w00t!" is the only proper spelling. The symbolic approximation of Latin letter forms makes "w00t" a prime example of leet. It may also sometimes be seen spelled as "wewt", without any change in pronunciation. The phrase is often used twice in succession, as in "w00t! w00t!".


The word is often used as a taunt in first person shooter games, or multiplayer games, typically used with pwned, as in "3y3 pwned j00! w00t! w00t!" (I owned you, w00t! w00t!).


"w00t" also materialized on IRC (warez channels in particular) in the mid-1990s—an onomatopoeic word of the sound a robot might make ("clicks", "whirrs", and "beeps" were also popular). Upon entering a channel, or entering into a "conversation" with a bot, one could be greeted with "w00t": "W00t! Welcome nght_kllah back to #ultiwarez!"


"w00t" can also be used as a derivative of the word "what" but only in certain cases. For example, if something strange were to happen in an online game, one could say "w00t the f00k?" ("what the fuck?").


Also, most people claim that the term "w00t!" simply isn't complete without the use of the exclamation mark, as it adds to the rejoiceful inherent meaning of the word.



so there y'go. smile.gif

No way am I reading that tongue.gif woooooooooooooooooot

  • CTW Members

wow, u learn somethin new every day thanx.gif

  • CTW DJs

deffo 2 late 2 read that

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same as shaney wtf.gif

  • CTW Members
wow, u learn somethin new every day thanx.gif


yeahthat.gif ...so, but basically, nobody actually knows where the term 'w00t!' comes from then? rolleyes.gif


amazing w00t.gif

  • CTW Members

yeah thats also what i figured there spunkmonkey...


although my first thoughts on the word woot was maybe the online-word-term for a wolf whistle... shrug.gif

then the faces here determine other reasons... w00t.gif is like a hard laughter, or hysterics, yet woot.gif is like a get down and boogie, or is real happy about something. i'd like to just stick with these interperetations smile.gif

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