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lmao i want one smile.gif





me too excited.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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thats an mp3 you have described??? so why call it an I pod if it is an mp3?? unsure.gif



berrkozz there are many different kinds of mp3 player with many different features, butan iPod is one single kind of player - so if you say ipod you know exactly what you are getting.


it's like saying "coke" rather than pepsi/tesco value.


or piss, rather than carling or fosters. baz.gif


kor Lisa, don't ewe knowe nuffinggg ?? w00t.gif

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Yeah Rich's Ipod is great but after a year the battery starts to go really quickly.. apparantly it's a wide spread problem - not sure if it has been corrected on newer models though.


Apparantly the batteries are expensive to replace too.




Its the same with any rechargable battery though, they only have a limited amount of recharges before capacity falls (according to apple, when 'depleted' the battery capacity will be 40% of what it is initially) - since you cant change the batterys, you must get in touch with Apple to return iPod and be sent a new one





Don't they charge you loads for that though?

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
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wudnt know - hasnt happened to me yet

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that it is

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