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Just food in general & my waist lione is suffering big time.


I bought the Davina Macall dvd but am yet to try it out blushing.gif  w00t.gif





My sister has that and has done me a copy of it, she says it's great but she couldn't walk the next day after doing it all, she had to go up and down the stairs on her bum.




Minx - i do have cracings for different foods but that's normal, not an addiction. smile.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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i had in on toast for brekkie shaney!! and on my salad that went with my lovely bbq munch for tea

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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on toast???????

Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


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yeah dont knowck it til youve tried it, good with a bit of tomato aswell proper thin crispy brown toast

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW DJs

you turning healthy all of a sudden miss smith?????


cucumber gives me heartburn so i dont eat it

Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


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I have to be on a beatch with miss perfect body Laura Lou too fcking right im all healthy im starving myself til Ibiza ;oP

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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i smoke, and don't plan on quitting any time soon.


also addicted to caffeine and sensations oven chicken n thyme crisps wub.gif

My new Phone. Can't stop playing with it .. :$

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scotch eggs/savory eggs


i just cant stop myself sad.gif

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oooh the mini scotch eggs are lush

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

McDonalds BLT Bagels w00t.gif


But i'm too knackered to eat it now so it'll have to be my breakfast hopefully in about 8 hours time ... night night smile.gif

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nighty night thumbsup.gif


BTW bagels just dont taste right....kinda staleish

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gd'night chick


The bagels have too much mayo on them for my liking

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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Back to the topic again.


Addiction is something that many many people deal with, even when they don't realize they're dealing with it! I don't smoke, don't drink much, I've had the same boyfriend for 5 1/2 years, and I have a stable life.


My boyfriend and I had been partying for 4 years, (once a month or so until October 2004 when we started having afterhours parties regularly at home on weekends!). A few months ago, we decided to stop partying altogether and evaluate our situation. We didn't go to a club for a month, we didn't keep in contact with anyone from the clubbing scene (except a few very close friends). In essence, we did some housecleaning in our lives. I had noticed some changes in my boyfriend that concerned me, and I suspect he noticed some in me as well. We began doing research on partying and drugs etc., and we discovered some very interesting things about the scene, and the potential downward spiral we were in.


Addictions are tough to deal with - mainly because people who develop them, whether it be drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sex, gambling, shopping, eating etc., are in a constant state of denial, and therefore, unless they want to take control of their life, they cannot easily change their pattern. Their weapon of choice can vary, and often, you don't choose it, it chooses you!


Understanding addiction means understanding that once a pattern of compulsive behaviour is developed, this leads to a cycle that is very difficult to take control of and break. Like Liam said, it can ruin someone's life, often without even realizing it! When you have an advanced addiction to something, you tend to rearrange you life to feed your addiction. This leads to self-destructive behaviour, like quitting your job because you're not feeling up to it, and consequently not paying your bills, because you're unemployed, and whatever money you do have pays for your addiction......


The thing that's worse than any one addiction, is that often one can lead to another...... I have friends who don't drink, because they overcame aloholism, and now they're addicted to drugs. They developed the addiction because they still wanted to party, but they swore off drinking!!!!!. They believe that they're in control of their lives, because they don't drink, and I'm sad for them. I don't judge them whatsoever, but I do feel for them. If you cannot pay your rent, your bills, take care of your children, have a normal job, see your family, develop normal relationships, you're in trouble. Addiction makes it difficult to deal with normal and sometimes difficult challenges in one's life. I know girls who make the equivalent of 1000 pounds a week and they're broke by the end of the weekend!!!! And when you get close enough to people, to see them on Tuesday, Wednesday etc., when they're trying to get back into the swing of things, it's a harsh reality!


Craig and I were lucky in that we had money (for all the FUN partying, weekend trips etc....) and eachother (to say SNAP THE FUCK OUT OF IT!!!!). Now we go out but we stick to the hidden bottle of vodka the DJ brings in for us wink.gif (there is no alcohol in afters here). Now that I know how easy it can be to fall into a cycle, I am very consious of EVERYTHING I do, drink, eat, everything! I don't allow myself to overdo anything, especially eating, as my mother used to be slim like I am, and since divorcing my dad when I was 10, she now weighs 500 lbs!!! She has an eating disorder, clearly, and it has all but ruined her life. I'm 28, and when you snap out of your reckless years and realize how much you enjoy having a nice car and money for vacations and whatever you want, you learn to take care of yourself. I've had some of the BEST parties I've ever been to, and Craig and I don't regret a single thing, but for us, the drug part is a thing of the past. The fact is, it will never be what it once was, we cherish the memories and the hundreds of amazing pictures from parties and nights out, and now we go out for the music, and the rest is history wink.gif.


Soooo many people go out every weekend, sometimes entire weekenders, and have no idea of the ramifications of doing so. Do unto others, and if you can follow me for my last point -- this is especially true of your body. If you treat it a certain way, it will treat you that way back. If you develop an advanced psychological dependance on substances or anything, you're pretty well fucked. The real test, in my opinion, is to catch it before you're in too deep, and you need professional help.


So, I'm not sure why this topic was started, but there's my experience, and my understanding - hope I didn't get too off-topic!



Edited by Tina Vortex

Off topic .. your joking ... a very well written review of how anything in life can overtake and control you without you even noticing!



It's the noticing and taking back that control that is the hardest thing to do .. anyone can get addicted!

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