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anyone know of any games i can get for my 5 + 6 year old kids for the playstation 1........nothing like Doom or likely to send them into murdering mainiacs please :grin:

i know nothing about games consoles :blush: last time i played it was sonic on my sega 16bit :blush:

my kids used to like spyro2

  • CTW Members

Any of the crash bandicoot games are good for little nippers! Technical enough to keep them entertained but not to technical that they won't be able to play them.

  • CTW Promotors

Yeh Crash bandicoot & all the Spyros are ace.


Also most of the disney films are on game too like Shrek, incredibles etc etc grin.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members
my kids used to like spyro2




aww thats not fair i was gonna say that one! grr lol


get spyro 1 as well


thinks of all the games my sister plays all the time (or used to anyways)


batman forever the arcade game. tarzan. abe's oddysee (its kinda complicated but i tell you at the time, philippa was about 6 and she used to love it!). toy story 2. and maybe try V-Rally 2 as well thats real easy and simple n all u gotta do is drive a cool car from A to B

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i only liek Tekken

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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i only liek Tekken



2 days playin that and Louise's kids will be drop-kicking Phil next time they see him lol

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my daughter already does now wicked.gif

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lol thats not nice tongue.gif

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Strip poker 2....teach them the ways of the woman....thats my suggestion...take it or leave it. grin.gif

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lol thats not nice  tongue.gif



my daughters not nice.......iv tought her well devil.gif

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well trained Louise i like your style ;oP

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

harry potter games are out, mikey hyas completed them so has he done the scooby doo's problem is my eldest plays any of my dads games too so he had to put them up high he's a whizz on a console and will be turning 7 in september eek.gif


oh and for girls get a dance mat

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yeah dance matt dance matt dance matt dance matt - i fcking luv em theyre ace

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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