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  • CTW Members

Just gone to do my car tax online (yes I am a little late doing it blushing.gif )


Says can't continue no record of insurance .. not to worry doesn't mean you don't have insurance probably up for renewal or renewal has just passed!




Looked at all my bank statements and old documents .. I'm only not insured death.gif



This has well freaked me out ... I thought if you didn't cancel your insurance and kept with the same company, then it just carried on ohmy.gif


  • CTW Members

shit really i thought that too! Didnt realise you had to renew every year as tesco just sent me a form last year sying it would continue and the new cost.



n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

So did I ... told me how much it would be for the year (this was last November)


I never did anything just took it for granted it would carry on ... I don't open letters that often or read them full to be fair thumbsdown.gif

  • CTW Members

thats really bad! At least you've found out now though and not after an accident or something

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

Just looking at some quotes now ohmy.gif


Tesco's £70 more than direct line so far still way over what I thought .. all because some arse ran into me and had no insurance mad.gif

  • CTW Members

im with Norwich Union at the minute found them really cheap

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

Yep agree with you on them ... so far there the cheapest by £100 omg does make me mad .. shows how much they're making out of us mad.gif

  • CTW Members

tell me about it im paying £698 for the year on my car Tesco wanted £1200 for me, its disgusting

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

I'm all legal and above board now grin.gif


What a grand way to spend £600 eek.gif did include my car tax though rolleyes.gif

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you bad ass dawn!

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Shane it scared the hell out of me .. all the miles i've done this year sad.gif


Have opened a few letters today though ... lets hope I carry on blush.gif

  • CTW Members

direct line just carry mine on dawn scratchy.gif

Are you sure ... it'll teach me to look at my statement more often ouch.gif

  • CTW Members

i never check my statements either

Best go have a look n see if there taking there wack out if you pay monthly unsure.gif


Nearly 7 months without it though ohmy.gif buggered my no claims up too mad.gif

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