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chivelry (sp?) is well & truly dead!!!!


just had to stand in this nasty heat for nearly an hour on a bus holding 8 bags of shopping, a 2 year old child & a pushchair blahblah.gif


grannys had mobbed the bus que & kept pushing in while i was getting my stuff together, the buggy bay was full of blue rinse's who refused to move when i asked politely as there were other seats free so it meant i had to colapse the pushchair,


by the time i had done that all the seats were taken (apart from upstairs but there was no way i could manage that) so i had to stand & hold everything, the luggage holder was full of marks & spencer bags so i couldnt even put the pushchair down.....really pisses me off


one youngish bloke even had the nerve to say he felt sorry for me being heavily pregnant & being in that situation......obviosly not sorry enough otherwise he would have offered up his seat mad.gif TWAT bird.gif


and then theres the other situation....... (yes im going on blahblah.gif ) the little girl im childminding today is black & the amount of shit iv heard is unreal....from 'mixed breeding shouldnt be allowed' to 'wog-bait' and having huge dreadlocked black men pawing me, presumeably thinking im into black men yeahrite.gif

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Yes whinge away at least it is worthy of a good moan honey huggles.gif


I hate some people & I am all for elder being given a seat eytc etc but some of them are just plain rude & expect & thats what pisses me off.


As for the rascist comments Lou grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr nono.gif no need mad.gif


I would have said to the lad aswell *yes, yes I can tell you do, the way you jumped up to offer me your seat* *note sarcasm in voice too* mad.gif




Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

Old people can be really annoying they expect all sorts just because theyre a few years older! The ones who wangle their shopping bags at you when u get in a 5 foot radius piss me off i got whacked round the legs by this old woman right sodding bruise, some of em are vicious!!


And theres no bloody need for the racism either, i dont know how some ppl have the nerve to shout and say things blatently in the street how fcking rude!


Sounds like you need to put ya feet up Louise luv n have one of those nice mars milkshakes ;o)

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW Members

old ppl can be well cheeky - its as though they expect this much respect or whatever, like they are owed the priveledge of being first in the queue etc, hittin u with sticks while pushing thru - my mum laughs at that lol shes worked with old people in nursing homes and boy does she have stories to tell hehe!


the mixed thing, ok u were childminding and nobody expects you to tell everybody 'shes not mine, im babysitting'. that is plain ignorance on everybody elses points of view. i personally am not racist. i quite like dark girls. who's to say id be in the wrong to marry a nice west african chick n have lovely little black babies huh?? my mum would be well over the moon, she thinks them people are gorgeous!


people are people though, and sad but true, people are fuckers. "i feel sorry for you, miss" on the bus but then doesnt offer the seat is basically patronising and i would have given the dude a nasty look and turned away.


get one of them mars milkshakes kate's talkin about smile.gif

You will all be old soon and you will all be doing the same thing .. wink.gif :lol


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i really really dont wanna be old and bitter - im quite scared of turning into my mother

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW Promotors
You will all be old soon and you will all be doing the same thing .. wink.gif :lol


user posted image



Im alreeady there chicken sad.gif


move over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! baz.gif


Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Promotors
coffin dodger




Techno, Techno, Techno

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i really really dont wanna be old and bitter - im quite scared of turning into my mother



i turned into my mother the day i gave birth to my son.......luckily shes not that bad, i do find myself saying things that i swore id never say like.......


'im gonna bang your heads together'

'do you think im made of money'

'your not wearing THAT!'


& doing things like putting a tissue up there sleeve before they leave the house blush.gif

  • CTW Promotors

Haaha so true Lou & as they get older I hear myself saying things & I do think *oh jeez* silly.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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i just dont wanna get snappy and start shopping in principles

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

hahaha you guys tongue.gif

  • CTW DJs

Minx, I could just see you pulling one of those tartan "old peoples" shopping trolley things


However, it would probably be full of dildos

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
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id be one of those glamourous grannies at divorced n singles nights still on the pull lol

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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