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She's vile aswell that Lesly only noticed her last night fcking super chav - whats her faceparty cld do with a giggle


In fact theyre all a bit twattish this yr like that black girl mara something or other and the 2 fit straight ones and thats about it

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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she has had it taken off line well her front page is there




it did have loads of pics of her in nurses outfits and costumes, a profile all about her bein in big brother and said she was a 12

now its jus the front page and no pics so guess her family member who is running it has got fed up of the comments she was getting off ppl roflmao.gif

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Derek is a twat but its funny as fuck when he gets on his high horse.


They're all wankers really, but some of them having funny points.

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there is no need for bullying or threats like everyone is doing to sam


so what she wants to be the way she is, no need to have that kind of threat that the bitch lesly said especially as lesly had in her face party that she is a size 12, yer right

if sam doesnt want someone trying on her shoes swhe has every right, i wouldnt want lesly trying mine on, heard of veruca's contracting? oh and she has got fatter feet. ect ect ect blah blah blah


snort coke of the side boards wen staff was there in the day.  roflmao.gif




There's EVERY need ... She's in BB for gawds sake what else did she expect!!



How did (think it was) Leslie get evicted if Derek had the most votes uhm.gif

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Vanessa and someone (cant remember who it was) were talking and Vanessa said something about Sam i think, about nominating her etc which is against tules and got them all up for evictions as they said nominations were scrapped because of it.

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there is no need for bullying or threats like everyone is doing to sam


so what she wants to be the way she is, no need to have that kind of threat that the bitch lesly said especially as lesly had in her face party that she is a size 12, yer right

if sam doesnt want someone trying on her shoes swhe has every right, i wouldnt want lesly trying mine on, heard of veruca's contracting? oh and she has got fatter feet. ect ect ect blah blah blah


snort coke of the side boards wen staff was there in the day.  roflmao.gif




There's EVERY need ... She's in BB for gawds sake what else did she expect!!





yes.gif besides she asks for everything she gets, she has wore mothing but a bikini for 2 weeks solid (Even in rain & cold) just so she gets 'male attention', of course its gonna piss people off, there is no need for the constant show of flesh, unless its in your own home or on the beach, she tells people to shut up & fuck off & goes off & bitches when she's told something she doesnt like but will quite happily tell others things they wont like........... if you are gonna dish out the abuse, bad stares & refuse to take part in the tasks that get the food for the following week then you have to be able to accept that people are gonna be pissed off with you aswell.


i liked lesley cus whatever she said behind peoples back she said to there face too....thats very rare.......bring her back i say yes.gif


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aww bless her getting boo'd last night

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

Vanessa and someone (cant remember who it was) were talking and Vanessa said something about Sam i think, about nominating her etc which is against tules and got them all up for evictions as they said  nominations were scrapped because of it.



Ahh gottcha .. I knew that ... thought Davina said Derek had got the most public votes but she meant house votes didn't she user posted image

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derek shd have gone hes awful

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

no matter what u do no one deserves to be bullied and a threat like lesly gave her was uneeded

if u think bullying is ok theres something wrong with u

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shes a bint that needs a good slapping



Honest question.




I don't think she goes out to piss anyone off, she's quiet and likes attention of boys so what?


That Leslie is pathetic, she is the type of lard ass twat who thinks they are fit that populate 80% of the population of Northern cities like Huddersfield. She is the stereotypical girl that represents everything I hate about alot of Northern birds. No class, no fashion sense, no clue, no idea, envy ridden bla bla bla. She couldn't deal with girls like Saskia and Sam getting more attention then her that she has to slag them off, question the realness of their breasts etc etc. I just hope that the experiance will make her realise no one gives a fuck about her and she ain't all that. If she would come to a club like Funky Buddha in London, for one she wouldn't get in... And if she did she'd be so far down the pecking order her character would be annihalated.


Rant over.


Sam is fit, Saskia is fit.

i have to agree with ltm

everyone likes attention 1 way or another of something, and cos she has low self esteem and low confidence she flirts to make herself feel better, i used to be a little like that i was bullied at school for bein ugly and always beleived it, wen i left school started wearing make up have money to dress nice and stylish i had male attention which i loved and craved and used to be on the pull with my mates all the time. i was young and so is she, she just hasnt found herself yet, she hasnt much of a voice or exciting life to be chatty about like some of the others so she does what she knows best and shows herself off in other ways to be noticed.

give the girl a break


yer i think sam can be a little unaware of herself she cant do her hair nice or wears horrid lippy but she doesnt harm anyone and no one deserves to be bullied.

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Saskias gorge

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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Why would girls start hating another girl for being girly & liking boys attention. I just can't see any justification in this haterism towards Sam. She's so harmless.

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