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Can't wait meself.



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Think a few are, but im not baz.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Members
Think a few are, but im not baz.gif



Why not? sad.gif

  • CTW Members

Im not as going Ibiza instead - Will be at Tidy 8 though


Dani off heres going not sure who else ooh Leenad possibly

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW Promotors
Think a few are, but im not baz.gif



Why not? sad.gif




A case of been there, done that a few times & had enough they do my head in & the line up is that of any line up I get to see in London for half the price anyway baz.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

Tidy stinks.

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

  • CTW Members

the words 'stick' 'pins' & 'eyes' spring to mind

  • CTW Members


im sure some ppl will like it

  • CTW Members

the weekenders are fun but are getting worse, seem to be more about getting as completely fcuked out of your head as is humanely possible before you piss urself!!

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW Promotors

This is why I can not stand them anymore Kate... thumbsdown.gif


This is why clubland is such a state too... nono.gif


It's all f*cked up folk, trying to out do each other & god damn doof doof music from almost every chalet that you can not escape from & as I say the line ups are nothing fantastic now & i can see them most weekends in London anyway:shrug:

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

i did the first one (many years ago) & cus im not into K, GB (or even pills in the past few years) i found that people enjoyed the chalet parties more than the arenas........so i felt kinda left on the side-lines watching everyone else dribble there way through the weekend & picking up the peices & babysitting when 'mates' over did it nono.gif


im not into 'getting fucked up' & putting myself into dangerous situations (and before someone jumps on me, i know speed can be just as dangerous yes.gif ) id rather enjoy myself & remember what goes on.

  • CTW Members

and just to add.....im not calling anyone that does the above mentioned drugs (cus i know im gonna get jumped on)


each to there own yes.gif

  • CTW Members

i can't really comment to much without sounding a hypocrite as i do tend to do quite a bit. I just wish people could do things in moderation as its awful too see people passing out and fcking up everywhere. The arenas at the last few have been queit and i rarely venture out of the chalets cos theres no point i only go out to see the djs i wanna see and hit the funk on the friday. Love the pub during the day though!


Tbh recently though ive had much better nigts when we've all gone out and got drunk or just done a little bit of base and im really off K atm, bored of looking a dribbling mess all the time


I do agree though that the drug use is ruining clubland even though im part of it and the worst thing is i cant ever see it changing! Feel sorry for the new clubbers on the scene who will never know how good we had it years ago all they know is ket n gb fcuk ups and shit too hard tunage - poor bastards

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW Members

when i started clubbing (in my neon cyber crasher kid days blushing.gif ) i never even heard of Ket, id known people do GB but never in a club or afterclub enviroment,


everyone was so much more relaxed & loved up, no fashion police/paranoid/over inflated egos paradeing around that paranoid or spaced out that one wrong look could make you end up with broken ribs & thick lip......and thats just the girls! lol.gif



  • CTW Promotors
and just to add.....im not calling anyone that does the above mentioned drugs (cus i know im gonna get jumped on)


each to there own  yes.gif




Nah no one is gonna jump you Lou & i for one am in agreement. I do still part take in the odd bump I will be honest but it is at home now with just Tony & Baz in a totally chilled, relaxed enviroment & it is how it should be taken imo grin.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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