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dani boots No7 fake tan mousse £7 and its really really good will suit your skin aswell as your quite palish like me naturally and it turns you a gorge colour

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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hmm but which is less likely to streak and is easier to apply and not go patchy?


i have dry parts of skin and very highly sensitive skin on my face

Johnsons is th ebest I have found. I have tried mousse and thought it was a bit dire .. whereas, witht he mouturiser, you use it just for that, but it brings out a tint in you, and it doesn't streak. Useres preference obviously, try them both and take it from there. smile.gif

i only want a hint of colour so im not white as such lol


im gona use sunbeds wen i start working once a week so i can gradually build up a nice tan to keep


as im getting a childminder and shay is going to a part time nursery also as i feel thats better for me either on my lunch breaks or on way home from work im gona do 1 day a week sunbeds lol

ive been forward planning

and i have used mouse for my legs before and it went dark at my knees

and i have used mouse for my legs before and it went dark at my knees



So why ask which is better, if you are 'sort of' complaining about the mousse ? You'll get there, one day !

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and i have used mouse for my legs before and it went dark at my knees



its not just mousse....its how you use it.


it does say use spareinly on knees & elbows.....otherwise this happens

no i mean i have used another type before


and the sparingly its mouse it foams up and u put it on u cant see where and how much has gone on it jus goes on lol.gif

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the mousse is really really good the No7 one anyway just exfoliate well and as said use sparingly on knees elbows and the crease at the boack of your feet. But as Maria said it depends on the users preference at the end of the day its not hugely expensive so try it


also if your not great at applying make sure you get the stuff thats tinted as its much easier u can see where youve put it

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

il get me sister to apply it she is queen of fake tans


and even if i exfoliate it dont stop me having dry patches on my skin its jus always been there

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do you moisturise your skin regularly if you do change your moisturiser cocoa butters really good if you dont then start. I always do it after a shower or bath in the summer as the sun drys your skin out more (well ifind it does although my mate gets it in the winter) just as often as possible slap a bit on

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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i have to moisturise every day other wise i get a bit flakey jake thumbsdown.gif

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its good for you though everyone should do it put a bit back into the skin what we take out! My mums always been pn at me since i started wearing make up and stuff to make sure i clense tone and moisturise my face and apply moisturiser and all that and i know shes done it for years and looks amazing for her age so its worth a try to stop me looking old in a few yrs i suppose - if it worked for her

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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mitcham to stay with my frend for a week and some mega clubbing action




Your best bet is to go into Croydon .. some right good cheesy night clubs there


At least when you come out of Frantic v Wildchild you won't have to worry about missing your stop if you fall sleep .. Mitcham last stop on the top train thumbsup.gif




aaah good stuff will let kofi know

and im not lookin for cheesey clubs, ppl gettin totally the wrong idea about me due to these recent posts about pretty green eyes..... sad.gif

load a bollocks!

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