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  • CTW DJs

Was working in my home store today (ballymena, my home town) went out for a dander on my lunch. Topshop is in a shopping centre but right near the main entrance. I went out to tk maxx to buy a pair of sunglasses Ive had my eye on. (TK maxx is right outside the centre) but it had the shutter down. Found out about an hour later there was a pipe bomb found in their service yard out the back of the store which basically is right behind my work.


Because I was out on my lunch I didnt go back into my shop just stayed out. But came back to find out everyone had been evacuated from topshop and loads of other shops.


fucking wankers thumbsdown.gif

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE


bet that scared the sh1t out of you

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  • CTW DJs

Not really tnh, its been happening quite a bit lately. Pisses me off more than anything.


Found out a few months ago that a guy that got arrested for being in RIRA was a friend of mine at school.

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

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eek.gifyikes.gif Id poop my y fronts sad.gif

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thats terrible id be really scared

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

guess in ireland u are used to it if it happens often like ppl living in iraq or even poor ppl in countries who havnt got the luxerys we have as an example its jus there way of life for them and they are used to it everyday


my family are irish on my dads side and they told me at my uncles funeral about how things like that happen and life goes on and that u arnt scared of something that happens a few times u kinda expect it instead

Thought it had all quietened down ... thats well bad as well as scarey sad.gif



Ignorant get here but what IS a pipe bomb .. is it as it sounds?

  • CTW DJs

thas shit news dude, have u ever been in any other scary situations like that over there???

I thought it was all getting loads better

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places never get better they jus keep it from the media or the media get bored and find something else

Dani rolleyes.gif


I'd say from bombings week in week out ... people getting killed or knee capped week in week out ... things had got better wouldn't you!!

  • CTW Members

Dawn i wldnt even bother babe ;o)


i think a pipe bomb is a bomb putin a pipe but dnt quote me its just a guess

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

no dawn what i mean is it happens so often it dont hit headlines as much unless they do actually explode

so found bombs which were de activated and evacuated areas dont hit the news so much now

i have half my family over there, fair dos i hardly know them as they are great aunts and uncles and second cousins ect but i didnt mean exploded bombs as this topic was on unexploded bomb

  • CTW Members
Dawn i wldnt even bother babe ;o)




i think a pipe bomb is a bomb putin a pipe but dnt quote me its just a guess



i thought it was the same thing, unsure.gif



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  • CTW DJs

Yeah Louise / kate thats pretty much spot on. Its a bomb that is quite easy to make, but one not on the scale of blowing up a whole high street like the one in Omagh (R.I.P.)


Dani, I understand you have your own say but its clear you dont really know alot about the troubles here.


It had got alot better here, things like the "Good friday agreement" had brought about some decommissioning of arms by both sides and a stop to alot of the violence. There has always been an ongoing violence though, just not on the scale it used to be. People were still being beaten up and knee-capped etc but it tended to be people who deserved it (as in people who were actively involved in paramilitary organisations and carried out violence of the same nature themselves)


However, my hometown of Ballymena used to be mostly a protestant town with a smaller catholic community. Now there is a bigger catholic community with alot of young guys my age being brainwashed into joining republican militant groups like the RIRA (real IRA)

Im not sure on their current manifesto as I tried to keep distanced from it, but I know they have began an offence again over the last 6months using pipe bomb attacks on local business' and shops. About 3 months ago we had one actually go off in town and destroy a shop completely. Thankfully it was during the night so no-one was harmed.

This new offensive has come about due to the collapse of the good friday agreement (no-one in power will admitt it, but it has fallen on its arse). Now that the republicans (catholics) are starting things like this it wont be long before the loyalists (protestants) conteract with their own torrent of violence.


Dont get me wrong, its not like I live in Iraq. As a normal citizen it is rare that these troubles effect my day to day life. Its just every now and again something happens a wee bit close to home and it makes you think.

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

  • Author
  • CTW DJs
have u ever been in any other scary situations



Ive seen a few nasty things mate, things I will never forget. But its not something I want to talk about on here.

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

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