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just been work, paid the babysitter £10 before i went,


sposed to be working 5.30pm - 1.30am as there is a wedding in the pub i do casual work for (although why anyone would want to hold a reception in that shit pit is beyond me), it all kicked off at 7pm, the groom kicked 7 bells of pikey shit out of the best man in a coked up rage, so then everyone else joined in & the police were called, DJ left & bar shut!


so i earnt £10, paid out £10, walked 2 miles, inhaled around 160 cigarettes & spliffs, dodged countless flying glasses (had to pick shattered glass out my bra cus one smashed above my head lol.gif ) & clean up a trashed pub......all for the grand total of £0.........i must pick my jobs more carefully yeahrite.giftongue.gif


still, i found the bride's hissy fit rather amusing when someone spilt red wine over her tastefull burberry checked shoes (with matching handbag, of course)......poor woman, reminded me of my wedding day w00t.gif


hope everyone had a more enjoyable saturday night than me thumbsup.gif

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aw smile.gif

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you not out tonight? (stupid question otherwise you wouldnt be online)

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i woz but now I'm back smile.gif

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£10 for babysitting for 8 hours???


Its a good thing your babysitter dont know the going rate is now £3.60 an hour.


ginge when u get unregistered reliable teens/ young adults who want somewhere to hang out, use net, have a break from there parents, ect they will babysit for a tenner

mine is 16 and she does it for around a tenner as long as her mate can come over and they have the internet to use to chat to friends

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You're lucky to be able to get reliable teenager who has such an equally reliable, trustworthy friend, and all you have to do is give them full use/access of your PC all night. smile.gif

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lol phill u make it sound bad

poor louise!

my saturday wasnt the best saturday night out ive had. got on the bus to find a whole bunch of my 6th yr school mates all sat on the back seat. so i chummed with them into johnsons n sat about the cocktail bar. they ended up stealing the birthday card i had for deborah, and i just left and went upstairs to find emma n gary n deborah n all them. i did find them and spent the rest of the night there. after about an hour tho i went back down to the cocktail bar to see if i could find the lost card. there it was opened, a bit wrecked, and sat open on the bar. i was like ohmy.gif

so took it n put it back in the envolope n took it upstairs to give her it, told them already that the boys had took it tho so it was fine.

about 12 deborah n sum frends took off for harlem, and i stayed inside johnsons with emma. i got really bored very quickly. emma said rachel n abby hadnt got into harlem n i shud go outside n hang with them. went outside n tried harlem again with them - no joy. couldnt go back into johnsons cos the bouncers wouldnt let anyone back in cos it was too busy. so i ended up outside with sum guys til 2 waiting on my ride home.

what a rubbish turn out!

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i had a great sat nite thanks yay.gif


awww poor lou huggles.gif

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You're lucky to be able to get reliable teenager who has such an equally reliable, trustworthy friend, and all you have to do is give them full use/access of your PC all night.  smile.gif



have to laugh when you put it like that lol.gif but you have a very good point


thankfully my babysitter is a close mates 15 year old daughter who iv know for about 10 years, shes a good catholic sensible girl (Which dont mean a lot because so was i at the age of 15)


i couldnt have anyone look after my kids no.gif either has to be family or someone iv known for a fair few years.....even then i worry, cus lets face it, you never know who they really are unsure.gif

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incidentally my sat night consisted of going to alocal startup night here which wans't bad except that 45 mins through ed reals 2hours set, at 12:45 two girls collapsed in the girls loos from overdose (?) the cops werecalled, night was halted and wewent back to a friends and danced round to their decks till5am. lol.gifblink.gif lol

yer kirsty is my mate jaquis daughter and she comes over once a month, i know she is trustworthy and her friend who comes with her is 18. ive known jaqui 18months and kirsty is doin child care at college so its good experience for her

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well its got too the stage here, where my kids look after me on a weekend rolleyes.gif

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lol.giflol.gif its about time we got re-paid for our years of heartache & torture wicked.gif



i had a great sat nite thanks  yay.gif


awww poor lou  huggles.gif





Where you go Paula ... Polys?

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