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lol im joking



greatest achievement as in what way???

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thats a really hard question! Theres lots of things ive done im proud of but wouldnt say anything thats a huge great achievement


things ive done that im proud of

* my exam results being all A's & B's and my GNVQ passing with distinction

* my dressage trophy and all the rosettes i won when i used to ride competitively as a youngster


umm dunno what else to put ill come back to you lol grin.gif

Edited by MISS MINX

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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lol im joking



greatest achievement as in what way???



as in life.....something your really proud of yourself for grin.gif

Knowing where my life is heading in terms of my career and knowing what I want out of life and how I'm to achieve it ... at the age of 24 (although I worked it out at 23). smile.gif


Also landed myself in a good job that I never thought I would see myself in at this age, given the opportunities that I can have that I could only dream of ! grin.gif

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work wise landing my account as its usually people who have been in the company a lot longer and also who are older, also getting my 1st 6months feedback back from the insurance company whos account i run and them being absolutely thrilled with the way ive run things. Meant a lot as its the 1st proper account ive run and ive run it my way and as its different to the way a lot of ppl work in the office i was a worried they wouldnt like me

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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Getting engaged to my fella

Completing an undergraduate degree


getting 2 distinctions in councilling skills - stress management and listening skills and qualities as i would like to pursue it and no it is an opening to go further into councilling but is harder as i have shay and cant go university.


having my sons love them to bits


having the courage to get out of the shit i was in in the past and make it on my own in a new place where i dont know anyone and am currently actively getting back on my feet and back into work and life. and too me that is an acheivement if u had known what was going on in my head 2 year ago u would too grin.gif

and i bet u still dont put no weight on

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getting 2 distinctions in councilling skills -  stress management and listening skills and qualities  as i would like to pursue it and no it is an opening to go further into councilling but is harder as i have shay and cant go university.




forgive me for saying this but the way you come across, you see shay as a burden. everytime you go on about something or someone suggests something for you to better yourself its always "i cant cus of shay's potty training/babysitters/money/nursery" or something that completely revoles around shay....... have you ever looked into going uni? i think not! if you did you would find out that there are on site nurserys/creches or provide full re-imbursments for any form of registered child care.......i know because i work hand in hand with the De-Monfort university providing full & part time day care for mature students.


life doesnt have to stop just because you have kids......its wether you want to make a life for your self that makes the difference, i have had 2 kids & raised them alone with no help from family or friends so there is no need to blame the lack of support, iv done it, lisa has, dawn has, paula has & we all manage to work, raise a family, keep a house & pay the bills without having to rely on others!


sorry if you (and others) think iv been harsh here but im sooo god damn fed up with the 'wo is me' routine

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1. Finally deciding on a definate career path and getting up and going for it by enrolling at college to do various IT courses, whilst still battling through having depression.


2. Finding a fantastic boyfriend and settling down with him/looking to buy a house of our own.


3. Being a good aunt to my nephew.


4. Getting a tune i made with my boyfriend released.


5. My exam results.


6. Making my family proud of me.


7. Making some quality friends.


8. Knowing that this is just the start of things and there will be more to follow WHEN i achieve them. Watch this space. grin.gif





There's probably more so i'll edit when i remember them.

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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getting 2 distinctions in councilling skills -  stress management and listening skills and qualities  as i would like to pursue it and no it is an opening to go further into councilling but is harder as i have shay and cant go university.




forgive me for saying this but the way you come across, you see shay as a burden. everytime you go on about something or someone suggests something for you to better yourself its always "i cant cus of shay's potty training/babysitters/money/nursery" or something that completely revoles around shay....... have you ever looked into going uni? i think not! if you did you would find out that there are on site nurserys/creches or provide full re-imbursments for any form of registered child care.......i know because i work hand in hand with the De-Monfort university providing full & part time day care for mature students.


life doesnt have to stop just because you have kids......its wether you want to make a life for your self that makes the difference, i have had 2 kids & raised them alone with no help from family or friends so there is no need to blame the lack of support, iv done it, lisa has, dawn has, paula has & we all manage to work, raise a family, keep a house & pay the bills without having to rely on others!


sorry if you (and others) think iv been harsh here but im sooo god damn fed up with the 'wo is me' routine





I don't think that's harsh at all, it's a very valid point put across tactfully and i think most on here will agree. No offence Dani but it is the picture you put across on here. sorry.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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spose i better do my greatest achievements....


theres not many to be honest but the ones that do stand out make a huge difference to my life & the way i think about it.


getting my Day care business up & running just over a year ago, its hard work & very demanding (physically & mentally) but soooo satisfying when you know you are making a difference to someones day & the child is happy.


doing a grand job of raising my kids, they can be a little cheeky sometimes but iv never had any problems with them. top class students & grace has recently won the highest achiever award out of the whole school blushing.gif



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