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well theres all sorts been in her i mean in her isnt there

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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that smily reminds me of rachie my mate she always gets a floppy eye when shes done horse haha camera one view

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

dont u need a lot of money to go uni


forgive me for not pursuing it but i dont think moving to live on a uni campus is right for a child and that is why i didnt carry on and go uni and do the councilling course

im sure u need shit loads of money and lack of time to work aswell as study with a child and as far as im aware most students have to work cos its so dam expensive at uni





1. You can get help with the costs


2. You don't have to live on campus, you can do it living at home if you find a uni near to you especially.


3. There is childcare available or help with the cost of childcare if no creche available on campus.


4. You can do part time courses i'm sure.


5. You could work part time while doing uni instead of full time just to keep some money coming in and so you don't overwork yourself.


6. You could look into the open university where you can learn from home in your own time, this also has funding available.



If you just stopped being so negative and always looking for the excuse before actually looking into things more, or taking peoples ideas onboard then you might find you get further in life. Its only you holding yourself back with that negative attitude, you could do ANYTHING you want to do, if you apply yourself and don't be so negative about everything as that will get you nowhere.


this was 4 years ago and when i ended up through a bad stage, kinda wasnt for me anyway but was jus saying i was proud of the qualification at the time cos i actually acheived it,


i know about colleges

cant get a degree in councilling though

how do u think i got 2 distinctions in councilling skills as it is the entry to uni so im already fully aware of that




Some colleges do offer these courses, a lot of colleges are actually starting to offer more than just run of the mill courses. Like the one i am going to, offering specialist IT courses that i wouldn't get anywhere else other than specialist places who charge a load. I'm getting it free.


What do you actually want to do Dani? One minute you're talking about hairdressing, the next about IT, now about councilling but always with an excuse as to why you can't do it.. you need to get an absolute direction in your life, then to focus on it, and then move heaven and hell to get it. It's not going to come to you on a plate and say 'hello here i am', it takes work and you need to make compromises in other areas if your life if need be.


If you want a good life for you and shay by having a good career then only you can make it happen.



i do want to be a stylist have done for past couple of years and never having a daughters who's hair i can mess around on made me even more determined, which is why im starting work in august at the new marks and spencers simply foods to save to do the course next year so how the hell am i bein negative wen i have been pursuing something past couple of months, and as for the it i was applying for online course because it was easiest way to get a job almost anywhere is to have computer skills as i found out at the job center everyone wants u to have computer expereince now


u were all quick to jump on me for saying i regreted never pursuing it back then like 4 years ago with the councilling but it isnt now i want to do it, too much work and less time with shay i can do it wen he is grown up uni does take a lot of time up



sorry dani but you speak some crap sometimes (im getting annoyed now  wallbash.gif ) since when can you not do degree's at a univerity or college? i have just done a google search of councilling degrees in england and have come up with over 41,000 links! this just goes to show how much you have actually looked into it.  rolleyes.gif


when i got my child pshycology, CIP, CCP, Day care & all the health & safety/first aid etc, i was in part time employment earning minimum wage, bringing up 2 kids alone so i got goverment funding & free childcare should i need it (which i didnt as thankfully if fell in school time & my tutor worked around me, which they will do aswel)


oooo & by the way just because you cant get on a hairdressers course does not mean that you cant do anything else with your life, its my life dream to be a midwife but iv never acheived that (yet) but iv always had at least 1 job at any one time to pay my way in life, this time last year i had 3 jobs at once & you know what? i was proud, yes 2 were crappy bar jobs but the gratification of buying my kids stuff out of my earnt money, not club books or borrowing money was amazing  yes.gif 


as some of you know 5 years ago i was declared bankrupt (thanks to my shit head xhusband).....i had nothing but the clothes i was wearing & the kids cots (and the dog throb.gif ), i had no home, money, toys, furniture, iv learnt to value money & not take it for granted, i was so ashamed.........which is why i fought like hell to get where i am today, not for me, but for my kids to finally be proud of me, after all they learn through what they see at home & to be honest if you carry on making excuses for every day things then shay will do the same, it will start with "i cant go school today cus......" & lead on from there & it will spiral out of control, i know iv seen it all to often around here.


Your so quick to say "i cant do this cus of shay" or "i cant afford hairdressing equipment" but you have to prioritise, you always seem to be able to go clubbing every 3-4 weeks, go on dates, have a few beers........ dont go clubbing, sell your tidy ticket, put the money to good use, we all have to go without sometime in our life.


id love to be able to make excuses not to do stuff in life but if i dont do it, nobody else's gonna do it for me!



as ive jus explained im starting work to get the equiptment for college next year and as for the tidy ticket i tried that but as im a comp winner we can not change the neame on it we either go or dont and im not paying to go, for transport or for anything else really and im not in so much trouble now so i can do summat for me for my birthday if i want im not in debt i sorted that, i am starting work so next year i can go do hair dressing when shay is in school, ive also got him in a toddler and parent group till i start work to get him used to other kids more, then he is going part time nursery and having a child minder so if need be i can work full time including weekends aswell. so if all that isnt doin summat i dunno what is

it was a past thing i said i regretted dont all jump on me



I havent looked into it any further but i can assure you that at Walsall college you can do your degree in councelling HNC & HND as ive looked into it when it was something i was considering, you can also do it as a part time course to work around childcare and even in an evening. If they do it i cant see them being the only one in the country


I think your full of shit of Dani, i strongly doubt youve passed any councelling course and if you have i certainly wouldnt pay for your services as you cant even sort your own life out let alone councell anyone else.



2 distinctions in ocn = open college network meaning it is an access course that u need to do to get into to do councilling i have certificates and all my work i did back home the 2 qualifications is 1. listening skills and qualities and 2. stress management they aint much admittedly but i was proud of myself for acheiving them untill i was put down by u lot for it.



hey dani, move back to scotland. ur scottish right?

apply to SAAS n they pay ur tuition fees and also give u bursary if u its applicable and a student loan on top.

tis what ive got, and im doing ok

there is a way dani

you can do it!  grin.gif  grin.gif  grin.gif  grin.gif  huggles.gif




listen guys, im sure that in some cases u have to be cruel to be kind, but u should also be supportive. if u carry on with the dani stop bein a whinge becos this this and this then she will only push away against anythin u sed anyway.

keep it in mind aye?




yes i am, lou io never said i was irish i said i had family who were irish

my family history is mums side is scottish i was born in paisley near glasgow thats where a lot of my uncles and aunts still live but we moved to nuneaton wen i was 6 months old as my dad is from nuneaton and had always lived there, my nan and grandad moved to nuneaton as my grandad was in raf and he dies cos of an injury my nan never moved back but my mum did to stop with an uncle while she was pregnant and had me 5 weeks early she stayed there for 6 months till we moved in with my nan when my other uncle had moved out and there was room and then council housed them (yes council estate kate *awaits the remark*)

my grandad and his family are from ireland

so if that is such a big problem that none of my family accept my dad and sister are english then thats ur problem even tho technically i cant remember bein in scotland then rolleyes.gif



Domo i see what your saying about Dani but have you not noticed the amount of months where everyone has been supportive and shes still found an excuse or ignored the advice - theres only so much people will put up with babe


is that why ive done nothing but find work and get on new deal and sort through hours of childminders lists and creches and contemplating what i found suited me and shay and talking on the fone and finding nursery placements for shay

well theres all sorts been in her i mean in her isnt there



and as for u saying that

how the fuck do u know who i ahve been with

like grow the fuck up ur the one who openly asks for wank material and to wank in ur face and blow job height not me

so now ur well below the belt and need to grow up

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nah i like being a kid thanx ill grow up when im ready i spend enough of my time at work being adult

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

pathetic thats all u are pathetic that u keep having to attack me rolleyes.gif

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round two coming up ding ding.


well im just proud off me getting on with my life, and coping and being fairly happy now. also winning back my family, after putting them thro what i did, smile.gif

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good job your opinions not important to me then isnt it





n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW Members
round two coming up ding ding.


well im just proud off me getting on with my life, and coping and being fairly happy now. also winning back my family, after putting them thro what i did,  smile.gif




nah this is like round 5 or sumthin lol

round two coming up ding ding.


well im just proud off me getting on with my life, and coping and being fairly happy now. also winning back my family, after putting them thro what i did,  smile.gif




nah this is like round 5 or sumthin lol



Add a 0 on the end.

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Now now ladies, claws away please or I will be forced to whip ya knickers down & spank ya arses w00t.gifthrob.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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Now now ladies, claws away please or I will be forced to whip ya knickers down & spank ya arses w00t.gif  throb.gif



Now thats something to be proud of

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
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wub.gif Wanna help Liam bigwink.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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