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  • CTW Photographers



Hows is everyone? I'm currently unemployed and in the process of looking for a job. Hard times, no money...But I'm optimistic. I'll be back on my feet soon.


Really missing meeting up with the clubtheworld crew. Good to see a lot of familiar faces are still here.


Hope you all well.


Luv Crill wub.gif

  • CTW Members

alright there soft lad baz.gif


shame about the job......it wont take you long to find something.


you still in london or back home?

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  • CTW Photographers

Currently living in Kent with my lovely girlfriend. Louise, its good to hear from ya. Life just isnt the same without our little stomps.

fuck me everyones creeping back here now lol



  • CTW Promotors

Oooh Louise do tell, do tell!!!



Hope life is good mny love, I really didnt get to spend anytime with you at Insekt, not sure what happened there uhm.gifuhm.gifhuggles.gif


Tony said you texted, I must get the number off him as ive got about 7 for you in my phone w00t.gifbigwink.gif


miss ya potato puller, my stomping buddy happydance.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Photographers

hey dani,


I may have a the odd break but I consider myself a member for life.



  • Author
  • CTW Photographers
  Lisa said:
Oooh Louise do tell, do tell!!!



Hope life is good mny love, I really didnt get to spend anytime with you at Insekt, not sure what happened there uhm.gif  uhm.gif  huggles.gif


Tony said you texted, I must get the number off him as ive got about 7 for you in my phone w00t.gif  bigwink.gif


miss ya potato puller, my stomping buddy happydance.gif



I'll pm you my number Lisa. I'm really good thanx. Just a bit cash strapped at the moment. Been applying for good jobs but the selection process is taking ages. Confident I'll get a good one at the end of it, just gotta be patient. I plan on being out a lot more in the coming months so keep you eyes peeled for me in a club near you...


  • CTW Promotors

Glad to hear it hon happydance.gifhuggles.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW DJs

CRILL!!! grin.gif


Hope something comes up for you soon mate, sincerly hope when im over next you can make it out.


Have missed you loads !!

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

Hi there Crill bigwink.gif


Jilly keeps me upto date on you ... couldn't speak the other sunday though when she was on the phone to you .. I blame Bushy for THAT one yeahrite.gif


Good luck with the job hunting flowers.gif

  • CTW Members


Oh my little bundle of scouse fun

Hope you are doing good....

by the sounds of things you are really happy and just need to get back on that dance floor and wiggle your arse off happydance.gif

Im good gonna try and make a trip down to London before i go ibiza to do a little bit of shopping so PM me your number and ill try my very tartie best to meet up for a drink with you.

Me and jilly miss you very uch and want you to come and stay very very soon.

gonna try and get a CTW sheffield night arranged that we would love you to come to along with all the london lot.

well babble babble babble miss you very very lots.

take care

lots of love


Steph xxxx

  • CTW Members

hiya crill how ya diddlin thumbsup.gif

  • CTW Members

Well hello there, long time no speak/see etc.. sounds like you're doing ok and are happy (minus the job situation) hope to see you out sometime soon as i'm hoping to get my arse down to London for some clubbing as soon as possible as it's been waaay too long since i saw everyone. xx

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

  • CTW Moderators

CRILLLLLLLLLL Laaaaaaaaa you scouse freak!!!!

dawn is lyng about me from last week you know! i never try to ruin people!! 'm too busy ruining myself! hahahah!!!!!



obviously not well at the mo, but a job will come along mate! ur in london dude!!!!!!


best wishes to the wife, althoug i dont know her! (see what a nice guy i am! smile.gif )


See ya soon hopefully! wink.gif

CTW Sexiest Male Member

  • CTW Members

Mornin matey, hi.gif

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