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What things do you see in yourself that remind you of your parents?


What personality traits have youpicked up from them along the years?


What scary offputting things do you not want to pick up off them?



n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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i have my dads passive nature, will always put up with shit for a while & then blow my top then people wonder what they have done,


i have also gained his ability to 'please everyone' even if it means lie your way through life, not lies as in blatent bullshit about past or other people but lies like appologiseing to people for a quiet life even if i dont mean it, agreeing with what they say even though you think they are the biggest pricks ever to walk the earth & dislike them totally (me & dad are like this to my brother-in-law & up till recently my X's missus).


i have also picked up my dads stubborness, although me & dad were great mates while i was growing up we were so alike that arguments never got sorted cus neither of us would admit we were wrong or give up!


i have picked up my mums sayings..... like complaining about how much the kids uniforms cost & money dont grow on trees & forcing my kids to eat there veg, i vowed never to turn into my mum but im halfway there already, thankfully the one thing i havent inherieted is my mums house proudness, shes known as 'Hyacinth Bucket' out of keeping up apperances.

My mum can be very stubbourn and unfortunatly, I have picked it up - this is not good as proven many a times ! But hey ho, can make me feel really good at times, to be stubbourn for an hour or so. devil.gif


yer defo my dads stubborness

nothing of me mums though as i dont want to be like her at all.


dont think other wise im like my dad arguementative and opinionated yer but im more so than my dad

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Ive picked up my moms perfectionism, i dont see the point in half doing something its gotta be done right and be perfect and ill keep on at thing til theyre right


Also her temper, it takes a lot to make me fly of the handle but when i go i really go and i can be really hurtful and vicious as can she . Our rows together are venemous


Picked up my dads love of music and also his laid backness, tend to just let trivial shit go over my head as its easier the same as he does


I wouldnt want to be such a pushover like my mum she puts herself out for people to much and gets taken for granted.

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

how often have you thaught 'I'll never do that' when you see or hear something your parents do & then in a few years , you do it and think 'fook , I'm turning into them'



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too many times, the other day the kid next door had got rnb shit on really loud in his car n i went bloody terrible music kids are listening too now haha

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

how often have you thaught 'I'll never do that' when you see or hear something your parents do & then in a few years , you do it and think 'fook , I'm turning into them' 





I wouldn't really give a sh1t to be honest. It'll be nice to do / say the thngs my parents have done. ily.gif

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I'm pretty sure that I'm either adopted or I was found somewhere and brought up by the people I class as parents coz I've got NOTHING in common with them.


They all LOVE to read...I find it highly boring

They all love sci-fi programmes...I'm more of a Discovery channel kind of guy, not into this airy fairy crap

They all believe in things like Tarot cards, rune stones, astrological charts, and other such mystical bollox.....I dont believe in none of that shit.


I gotta be from a different family, it just dont make sense.

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Your the milkmans Ginge blatently mate

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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Cant be that either....the milkman we had in yorkshire 30 years ago was alledgedly an 70 odd year old guy. Both my "mother" and "father" have told me that.

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If I am their son however, I blame the fact that my mum was totally pissed when she concieved me and maybe the alcohol in her body changed my DNA somehow. Maybe I'm some kind of mutant.


Maybe I have special powers that I dont know about.



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It's inevitable that you will pick up certain traits from you parents, as you grow up you will imitate certain nuances as that is when you are at your most impressionable.


It may not always be a good thing, but hey that's life for ya.

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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Ginge lmao mutant how cool


Tresh your so knowledgable - teach me something else

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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All swans are property of the Queen.

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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