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  • CTW Members

I think its a very personal thing everyone is gonna have diff opinions on it.

In my mind when you die your spirit keeps going as its just the body that was carryin it around has died.

whether it be reincarnation, heaven or angels

In all fairness we wont know what happens till our time has come but if it helps ppl who have lost someone close or who is dying come to terms with it then fine we all have diff ways of dealing with things.

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  • CTW Members

to be honest, no one knows. Some like to think that's it, end of the line, and some like to believe you move on to a higher plane (sp?).


I don't have a clue on this, but i'll get back to you when i'm there, lol.

  • CTW DJs
if it helps ppl who have lost someone close or who is dying come to terms with it then fine we all have diff ways of dealing with things.




I dont want to offend anyone here (kind of at great risk of doing so though - IF i offend anyone, please pm me and I will edit/remove this post as I dont want to have a fullscale outburst on a public forum), but dont you think that its perhaps a weakness of our species that we can't just accept death as an inevitability?


In life, death is the only certainty and religion causes people to be afraid of this

  • 2 weeks later...
  • CTW Members

chris you're right. we can't because we can't imagine a world without us. because that's what your life has been all about. that's why art is one of the better ways to come to terms with a world without you in it. People get paintings done of them, and that strangely enough makes things easier to cope with.


there's been a big study into this. saw it on the tv a while ago, was qutie interesting.

  • CTW Members
if it helps ppl who have lost someone close or who is dying come to terms with it then fine we all have diff ways of dealing with things.




I dont want to offend anyone here (kind of at great risk of doing so though - IF i offend anyone, please pm me and I will edit/remove this post as I dont want to have a fullscale outburst on a public forum), but dont you think that its perhaps a weakness of our species that we can't just accept death as an inevitability?


In life, death is the only certainty and religion causes people to be afraid of this



I couldn't agree more! Death is the only inevitable you'll ever face in life, and therefore shouldn't be feared... The fact that life is finite is what makes it so precious. I personally fear the method of my passing over, incase it's a particularly grisly, unpleasant and painful one.


I don't think religion is responsible for people's fear of death, but I do think that a big part of the origins of religion come from the fact that people fear death and the unknown that follows. Most people just can't get their heads round the thought that once you die there may just be nothingness, and religion gives them something to fill that gap... It's certainly a far less scary option than oblivion


I don't personally believe in any God or entity that created us, or the galaxy. I believe that when we die the universe does with our spirit energy, (yes, I believe we all have a spirit) exactly what it does with our bodies. It recycles. Our bodies break down and return to the earth and our life energy is recycled into new life, which could well explain why some people can recall experiences from past lives.



Don't look so shocked you lot!! yeahrite.gif Just because I normally talk complete bollocks doesn't mean I can't do deep and meaningful when the mood takes me!




Any messages you may receive bear no insight whatsoever into the mind of the sender - He hasn't got one!
  • CTW Members

i was brought up to believe in G/god...



  • CTW Members

How scared of dying are you though?


Im really quite worried about it, i also reckon if im gonna die itll be behind the wheel of a car.

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW DJs
How scared of dying are you though?



Not at all... I never think about it so its never really on my mind


Simple fact is that one day, just like every other living creature on this planet, you WILL die - sorry to sound a bit morbid but its true. As has already been said, just enjoy what time you have whilst living... if your constantly living in fear/regret then your only making life worse for yourself

  • CTW Members

my worst fear is death.


im not sure about the after life, im sure something does happen cuz my family have had some weird experiences and seen things.


they have also had weird signs too which was pretty mad, it could have been coinsidence tho, who knows. im sure we will find out i guess


People say i have a drinkin problem, I like to call it a gift.

Fear of death ? life is a terminal illness

Ohh Neon ... thats very deep uhm.gif

maybe deep but true & made people think

  • CTW Members

It was wasnt it! Its not so much thati live my life carefully to avoid it or anything in fact quite the opposite but i do think sometimes god its gonna be painful when i die.

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW Members

id love to contribute but i think i would make just a large rabble on and not make any sense and make u all sit and go uhm.gif

  • CTW Members

go on dom we're used to it with u now anyway lol

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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