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Have you ever been tested?


having had it routinely tested now in pregnancy it kinda made me think about it all, iv been tested before as i have always kept up to date on my annual G.U.M clinic visits (even when i havent had a partner for 12 months).


it took 4 months for the results to come through (thanks to my ever so efficient doctors surgery misplaceing the results rolleyes.gif ) & it was the longest 4 months ever, it really made me worry, iv always tried to be carefull but there has been the odd accident (while in a relationship) but worried more about pregnancy than HIV or other STD's.


even though you could have only slept with a couple of people in long term relationships in your lifetime you still have to take into consideration of the people they have slept with & there X partners & there X partners.....and so on.......so much so that the total amount of people you have shared sexual partners with comes into the thousands blink.gif


anyway, i spose im just counting my blessings that that 1 little blood test has come up negative (For everything) & i can lead a happy & healthy life & should look after myself better in future.


thats my deep & meaningfull over blushing.gif

Edited by Louise

I get tested every 6 months





but only cos I give blood & they test every giving .

clear so far , thankfully !

Yes I have ... It's the most easiest of tests to have done out there but so hard to pluck up the courage to go and have done!


Like you said after the wait (mine was only 2 weeks) and you get that negative result you just feel so elated!


Doesn't do anything to restore faith in sexual partners though ... I had mine because he failed to mention the fact he had hepatitas C also that he was a heroin addict ... nice ehh!!


No wonder i'm off men yeahrite.gif

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I know someone that tested negative at the start of a ten year "monogomous" relationship... Then, towards the end, they both tested positive.


I will *always* have sex with a condom. No condom, no penetration.


That said, sometimes there can be defects, and so testing is still a good idea.

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Yep, i get tested regularly.. even though i know i'm safe and in a proper relationship, i just like to have peace of mind that i am all clear and healthy.


It doesn't take a lot of time or effort to go and get tested down at the GUM clinic regularly for EVERYTHING, especially when you think of all the good that it could do if you were to have something nasty, catching early is always best.


If you're sexually active then you should be being safe AND being tested, for yourself AND everyone you are sexual ( tongue.gif ) with.

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been tested a number of times, but have to admit i havent been in the last year.


It is a piss easy test to have done.


Used to go every 6 months when i was a holiday rep. Once before going and once after coming back!


Still a nightmare waiting for results!

CTW Sexiest Male Member

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Been tested but not for about a year although only slept with 2 ppl since then one who i was with when i last got tested so presume im ok although really should go get it done again tbh



speaking of HIV a ad in our hotel on holiday got stabbed with a syringe in Eden had to go home on 2nd day of holiday cos was worrying so much, its fcking awful!! Also whilst we were chatting about that this guy told us about a girl he knew who went on holiday to majorca met a guy wh she was sleeping with out there n when she was leaving he gave her a letter sayingnotto open it til on the plane she did n it read congrats ur hiv positive


how fcking sick theres some wrong pplout there

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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flippin hell thats disgraceful! ohmy.gif

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I know someone that tested negative at the start of a ten year "monogomous" relationship... Then, towards the end, they both tested positive.


I will *always* have sex with a condom. No condom, no penetration.


That said, sometimes there can be defects, and so testing is still a good idea.




i agree with this one.

if all the men wore condoms every time they had sex then there wouldnt be this problem really!

the only time i would find fit to have sex and not wear a condom would be in a married relationship. and even then, the pill isnt always the best effective use of contraception.

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oh and i havent been tested lol


havent had sex so dont see the point shrug.gif

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I know someone that tested negative at the start of a ten year "monogomous" relationship... Then, towards the end, they both tested positive.


I will *always* have sex with a condom. No condom, no penetration.


That said, sometimes there can be defects, and so testing is still a good idea.




i agree with this one.

if all the men wore condoms every time they had sex then there wouldnt be this problem really!

the only time i would find fit to have sex and not wear a condom would be in a married relationship. and even then, the pill isnt always the best effective use of contraception.



unfortunately infidelity still happens in marriage, the reason i went for my first ever G.U.M appointment was because i had contracted clamhidia (sp?) through my husband sleeping with his X girlfriend...........& im not ashamed to admit it, (just a little embarrassed blushing.gif )


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i know there are exceptions and hey anything can happen to anyone i guess but its a valid point right?

the difference between sleeping with a bunch of girlfriends and sleeping only with your wife after you are married is a big one

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i've had sex with lots of people in my lifetime.


I really should get tested again. Its been a year!

CTW Sexiest Male Member

Just thaught .

what do you do if you have it apart from wank a lot & try & shag the people you hate

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eh? uhm.gif

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