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  • CTW Members
hey dawn, ive been Ghanian for the last week haha!! 



Do explain ... I'm intruiged smile.gif


  • CTW Members

well you said to tidy tart about being very british for wearin socks or sumthin like that.


ive been Ghanian for the last week excluding today and onwards sad.gif because when i was in london staying with my friend and his family, they are all from Ghana, and so i was kind of Ghanian if u get what i mean smile.gif


Fufu is great food!

  • CTW Members

sorry to post crash.....


the lady that braids my hair is from Ghana, shes great....she force feeds me all this traditional food when im there (cus it takes up to 10 hours a time). most of its lovely but i had to pass on some sort of goat stew/casserole........ i just couldnt bring myself to eat it, blush.gif

Ahh I'm with you now Domo ... thought you'd flew out there or something grin.gif


I tried goats curry at the carabiean carnival ... wasn't too bad really for goat blink.gif

  • CTW Members

hah post crash all u want!!

ghani people are so lovely! so lou, how does your hair manage to stay in the braids? just cos like white peoples hair is more fine than black peoples so ours would slip n stuff... and does it really take 10 hours!!!!?? must be because your hair is long! i watched Adjoa do her sisters hair really cool like in corn rows and it took about 3-4 hours

  • CTW Members

exstentions domo yes.gif


would love to have long hair but it never grows past my shoulders mad.gif i use the rough feel afro style exstentions so they hold in place longer, i havent got any braids in at the mo cus the pregnancy hormoanes play havoc wth my scalp and it really irratates me........really miss them though sad.gif


iv just learnt how to do my daughters hair in cornrows, shes was blessed with very very long hair so its easy to do hers

  • CTW Members

i would have said that the hair length to your shoulders would be just about the right length for corn rows in your hair!


so how does your daughters hair come out when u put corn rows in it, seen as its so long as you say... doe it have long tail ends at the back like? sounds interesting!


we tried to corn row my brothers hair when it was long. he made my mum do it only but neither of us had any idea how to do it properly, so it kinda came out a bit of a mess and looked worse the next day lol

  • CTW Members

while we are on the topic i thought i would be the one sad enough lol to find out all these ghani names n stuff take a look smile.gif





ADJOA, ADWOA: Akan of Ghana names for females born on Monday; peace.

JUBA: Ashanti of Ghana name meaning "born on Monday."

ABENA: Akan of Ghana name for females born on Tuesday.

AKUA: Akan of Ghana name for females born on Wednesday.

ABBA: Ghanaian name for females born on Thursday.

AFIA: Akan of Ghana name for females born on Friday.

EFIA: Fante of Ghana name for females born on Friday.

AMA or AMMA: Akan people of Ghana name for females born on Saturday. Also a West African name meaning "happy."

AKOSUA: Akan or Ahsanti of Ghana name for females born on Sunday.

KWESI, SISI: Akan of Ghana unisexual name meaning "born on Sunday."


AFAFA: Ewe of Ghana female name for the firstborn child of a second husband.

AGBENYAGA: Ewe of Ghana name meaning "life is precious." (Could be shortened to NYAGA.)

AKPENAMAWU: Ewe of Ghana name meaning "thanks to God." The Ghanaian short form of this name is AKPENA.

ATSUKPI: Ewe of Ghana name for a female twin.

ESINAM: Ewe of Ghana name meaning "God heard me."

GYAMFUA: Ashanti of Ghana name. Meaning unknown.

GZIFA: Ewe of Ghana name meaning "one is at peace."

HOLA: Ewe of Ghana name meaning "savior."

KESSIE: Fante and Ashanti of Ghana name meaning "born fat.

KOKO: Adangbe of Ghana name meaning "born second."

NAKI: Adangbe of Ghana name meaning "first born girl."

NANA: Ghanaian name meaning "mother of the Earth."

SRODA: Ghanaian name meaning "respect."

TAWIA: Ga of Ghana unisexual name meaning "first child born after twins."

XETSA: Ewe of Ghana name meaning "twin."





KOJO: Ashanti of Ghana name meaning "born on Monday."

BOBO: Fante of Ghana name meaning, "born on Tuesday." Also a Ewe of West Africa name meaning "be humble."

KWABENA: Akan of Ghana name meaning "born on Tuesday."

KWAKU: Akan of Ghana name meaning "born on Wednesday."

YAO: Ewe of Ghana name meaning "born on Thursday."

KOFI: Akan name common in Ghana, meaning "born on Friday."

ATU: Fante of Ghana name meaning "born on Saturday."

KWAME: Akan of Ghana name meaning "born on Saturday."

KWESI, SISI: Akan of Ghana unisexual name meaning "born on Sunday."


ABRAFO: Ghanaian name meaning "warrior" or "executioner." It is a nickname for a troublemaker or someone who is hyper.

ADDO: Ghana name meaning "king of the road."

ADISA: Ashanti of Ghana name meaning "one who will teach us."

ADOFO: Akan of Ghana name meaning "one who loves."

ADOM: Akan of Ghana name meaning "help from God" or "God's blessing."

ADWIN: Akan of Ghana word meaning "artist" or "thinker."

AFRAM: Akan of Ghana name referring to the Afram River in Ghana's Ashanti Region.

ATA: A Ghana name for a twin.

BADU: An Ashanti of Ghana name meaning "tenth-born child."

DANSO: Ashanti of Ghana name meaning "reliable."

DOMEVLO: Ewe of Ghana name meaning "don't take others for face value."

DZIGBODE: Ewe of Ghana name meaning "patience."

ESSIEN: Ochi and Ga of Ghana name meaning "sixth born." Also, Ibibio and Efik of Nigeria name meaning "belongs to everyone."

FODJOUR: Akan of Ghana name meaning "fourth born."

FYNN: Europeanized version of Ghanaian name Offin, after the Offin River.

GYAMFI: Ashanti of Ghana name. Meaning unknown

KUMI: Akan of Ghana name meaning "forceful."

MANU: Akan of Ghana name meaning "second born."

MENSAH: Ewe of Ghana name meaning "third born."

NKRUMAH, NKRUMA: Akan of Ghana unisexual name meaning "ninth born child."

OHINI, OHENE: Akan of Ghana name meaning "chief."

OKO: Adangbe of Ghana name meaning "twin."

YESUTO: Ewe of Ghana name meaning "belongs to Jesus."

Edited by fifedjdomo

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