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Logic return to rock the Fridge once more on Friday 29th July. This will be the first Logic event held at the Fridge since October last year and five whole months since our last London event - we are coming back with one almighty bang !! Anybody who has attended a Logic event will know the amount of time, money and effort we put into our shows and our Birthday celebrations are our most prided events of all. We've deassembled our production machine, brushed away the cobwebs and reassembled with new decor, new production, new audio visuals, lighting, sound and concepts - We simply cannot wait...!!


Let the show begin !!!



From the makers of Proteus we bring you Finland's next rising star, Alek Szahala - the most talked about Finnish producer at the moment performing an exclusive London live PA - Check this baby out, Freeform madness, Finnish style !!! Since his explosive forthcoming in 2003 with tracks like 'Superstition' and 'Tlaloc' he has made a deep impact to both Finnish and international crowds and djs with dozens of amazing tracks;


Proteus, Logic's frontman is back home where he belongs. After taking up his UK residency with Logic back in 2003 Proteus has risen to international stardom, ranked in the top 100 worldwide and voted No.1 in the UK. From HHA, Godskitchen, Tidy to Dance Valley - Proteus is everywhere. We are VERY exited about having Hari back - This will be one MASSIVE show !! - Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for one hell of a ride...


The master himself returns. Jon Bell (AKA: Captain Tinrib) is one of the pioneers of the scene itself. There can't be a single DJ out there that doesn't have either a track or remix from this legend. We feel very priviledged to have Jon back. Those of you that attended may remember Captain Tinrib having to cancel his Logic debut at Camden Palace in 2003 due to unforseen technical difficulties - This guy performs totally live with live percussion and no back-up - His sets are simply a pleasure to experience. His stageshows and performances are unrivalled in their originality and energy.


Ting - What can you say.? Madness on legs with voice like an angel and a sound of a devil on acid. What will be be in store this time?? - Just wait a see !!!


In addtion to this the original Logic work horse herself, Dri Weave returns for a one off very special guest appearence with a bag full of Logic classics teamed up with London's most around town DJs, Eduardo Hererra, Shaf de Bass, Marc Antoine and Londons most popular dance crew the LAK:UK...Miss this - then simply miss out !!!



The limited CTW £10 concession list is now open and is limited to a maximum of only 50 places..After this closes the list will change to the standard price of £12.


Paying guestlist Email: logicguestlist@yahoo.co.uk



Main Room:


PROTEUS - Stage Show



The *TING*


MC DRI WEAVE - Guest appearance !!




Second Room: OBLIVION'S 3rd Birthday


Owen B

Andy T

James Jaye


Tin Tin B2B Jim Wild

Chris Vincent B2B KB

Please VERY SPECIAL guest



Limited advance tickets £10 then £12, £15. MOTD

£12 Paying guestlist (1 free for every 10) Email: logicguestlist@yahoo.co.uk or call: 07960 750303 or 07913 548250


24 Credit Card Hotline: 08700 600100


Cash Sales:

Maria: 0781 3684399

Kane: 07739 721753

Dave: 07913 548250

Shaf: 07960 750303



Cyberdog - Camden Market

Mad Records - Covent Garden

Swear Shoes: Camden Market

Kinetec - Oxford Circus



Hope to see you there...








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