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right ok this is a bit wierd right but last night when i was asleep i had a nightmare thing where i felt someone/thing drag me out of bed and pull me around and i was trying to scream but nothing came out - im really worried now about what happened as it felt really real

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW Moderators

i had dreams like that after caning it a lot. i used to get dreams of people pinning me down in bed and things muttering all sorts of bollox to me!


I think we have had this type of thread before and i think what you experienced is called 'lucid dreaming'


this site may help:



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Thanks forthat Bushy had a bit of a read really wanna stop em though it petrified me so much i found it really bad, hopefully wonthappen again

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

was that something that happened in a past life ?

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Neon no sweetie it was just wierd and scary


Slept with the tv on last night just in case, im knackered this morning

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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havent had any of them kinds of dreams

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they are a little freaky!


i think shane has had them too!

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ive had mad dreams, especially when i used 2 do K, hence why i stopped it after going 2 the doctor and now on vertigo pills as i was getting dizzy spells in work mid week, i used to have really strong electrical buzzing noises in my head and couldnt sleep, usd 2 make my heart go really fast and make me shake

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sum krazy shit

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Yeah i think its just a result of the weeks seshing tbh gonna lay off everything for a while

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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just have ya mornin coffee or even better, orange juice and lay off everything, like u said

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Call me strange but I LOVE having those sort of dreams.


And all that rubbish about "if you die in your dreams, you die in real life" is complete bollox. I've died in my dreams so many times, usually by falling off something really high, or being caught in an explosion.


Fucked up dreams are BRILLIANT.

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lol ginge, each to their own i suppose right!?!?

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Each to their own exactly Ginge glad you enjoy em babe, im just a bit of a scaredy cat i have a really vivid over active imagination tbh and tend to think about things a lot and scare myself


Had a lovely nights sleep last nightthough nothing strange at all

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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did u dream at all???

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