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  • CTW Members

when first started going out all mates were into same thing but as time goes on people go off on different tangents listenin to house, breaks, trance, hard house so there is such a diverse type of music thats is impossible to get everyone together on same night out without someone complaining


anyone else have this problem?

  • CTW Members



And that's why i've sometimes thought 'fuck it' and wandered off on me own t'go aaaaavesomeofthatthenmyson, instead! w00t.gif


Don't know if the same sort of thing applies to every sort of music, and every kind of club night etc. etc. blahblah.gif but you tend to meet plenty of random funkaaaaaaaaaaa people, some of which you organise to go clubbin' with etc. etc. or go to future events with, and generally are very like minded, and up for the same/similar sort of stuff you are happydance.gif


It's all good doing it thataway' dude! beer.gif



  • CTW Members
when first started going out all mates were into same thing but as time goes on people go off on different tangents listenin to house, breaks, trance, hard house so there is such a diverse type of music thats is impossible to get everyone together on same night out without someone complaining


anyone else have this problem?




no wat u mean pal, think were gonna try and get everyone to creamfields this yesar, end of summer, noone has any plans, lineups r class, and wat better way to finish of a excellen summer smile.gif

  • CTW Members

why dont u all just go down to the local cheeser where u will all hate it, thus being in agreement, and then all end up trashed in some gutter! grin.gifgrin.gif good times! grin.gif

  • CTW Members

yeah we have these same probs. i think i could go out clubbing on my own now tho, and it wouldnt bother me smile.gif

  • 3 weeks later...
  • CTW Members

ive found the easiest place to get friends out for is a festival, most of em are at end of month, and they always have diverse lineups to suit even my most radical of friends tastes, nothing better than going to one with all your mates, have a proper day out and a wicked time beer.gif


think theres about 20 of us going to creamfields this year im soool ooking forward to it, gonna be class! grin.gif

  • CTW Members

I cant remember the last time our whole group has been out together thats why im looking forward to tidy weekender so much. We've all been doing our own thing a lot recently and going out with different people. Prob a good thing though as it does get interesting when we're together - mind you just thought we'll never have the whole group together again properly as 2 people we dont speak to anymore but all the good eggs are at TW8 so itll be ace

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

True and no one is offended if they don't see you all night as you know there having a good time (defeats the object mind)



My mates are trying to talk me into going Amsterdam but as i'm neither into smoke or prossies can't see the point really silly.gif

  • CTW Members


My mates are trying to talk me into going Amsterdam but as i'm neither into smoke or prossies can't see the point really  silly.gif



cos its amsterdam, theres more to the dam then smoking weed and shaggin prozzies lol

  • CTW Members

very true roger


i wanna go back to the dam with my mates - went into it when i was working in Holland but wasnt as fun as went with a cpl of girls i worked with n they didnt wanna get stoned or anything, id have been happy sat in a cafe watching some freak porn dwarf shake it all day lol ;oP

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW Members

Its somewhere you have to go at least once though


Tidys a shithole but dont stop it being ace fun ;oP

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW DJs

Ive been 4 times, the fact its a shithole doesnt stop me goin back.

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

  • CTW Members

amsterdam is a wkd place, i love it


My mates are trying to talk me into going Amsterdam but as i'm neither into smoke or prossies can't see the point really  silly.gif



cos its amsterdam, theres more to the dam then smoking weed and shaggin prozzies lol



Not with the people i'd be going with yeahrite.gif


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