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Which 12 board members would you put in the house and why???


n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW Members

Dawn.... for entertainment, maturity, converstions & debates.......we could put the world to rites

minx..... for entertainment value

lisa.... same as dawn

domo..... there is aways one stait sensible one to even things out

dani.... for obvious reasons

danny oldam..... the token gay

paula.....she never fails to make me laugh

ginge......same as


i will add to it later........

Edited by Louise

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Me - cos iprob talk more shite than anyone else on here so wld keep convo flowing


Liam Styles - Prob have most in common with him on here so wld be cool to chat too - eye candu value wldnt be a bad thing either


Shaney - Someone for my horny moments to abuse lol and the sheer comendy value


Bushy - Would def be drinking partner in there as can keep up with the session


Dom - his naivety wld amuse me


DjBeans - Hes a sweetie


Tresh - Someone equally as sarcastic as me so be fun to constantly rip


Dawn - Funny and would keep some of us in line


Louise - for a more sensible approach to things


Izzy - Another drinking n session partner



n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW Members

1. me - cos out of everyone so far i seem to be a good house guest so why not eh

2. shaney - who would leave someone like shane out of an oportunity like this?

3. bushy - where there is shaney, bushy ought to follow

4. minx - and so would minx

5. dani - just to see what happens with this

6. dawn - everyone loves dawn

7. liam - need an irish accent in there with the scots

8. danny oldham - for the gay reasons, what a laugh that will be

9. claire dc - somebody understanding you can talk to should be there

10. raverbaby - amusement

11. tresh - short grumpy guy lol

12. paula cos shes funny



sorry i didnt choose louise, but shes pregnant blushing.gif

  • CTW Members
Louise - for a more sensible approach to things







6. dawn - everyone loves dawn





lol.gif ohhh bless you Domo but so nieave bigwink.gif



It's a nice thought but so not true flowers.gif


  • CTW Members

well, however u wanna decieve it...

it appeared to me over the last...........however long, that people seem to hold you dear to themselves and that u are loved by almost all. so i just said smile.gif

  • CTW Members

Please don't tell the mods are gonna be big brother.


Nothing would ever get done.

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

Tresh please edit to make sense ... you of your callibar too nono.gif

  • CTW Members

It makes perfect sense.

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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Not to me it doesnt

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW Members

its a bunch of gibberish hehehe

  • CTW Members

i understand it


he means the mods would be big brother (as in the diary room voices & task setters) .......... i presume

  • CTW Members

you presume....which means u really dont have a clue do ya, u just stickin up for him eh



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ahh right i get it now


he means if we had CTW big brother and the mods were big brother nothing wld get done cos the mods are shit (his words not mine)

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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