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oh and for the record pete reckons that anytime he goes on ebay he gets diverted to a virus site and is blaming ebay, like wtf it never happens to me???



not diverted but I found ebay full of virus's

how the hell can u know it is full of viruses


it isnt else everyone would have it

  • CTW Members

Ive had loads of Adware off ebay recently its a nightmare

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW Members
how the hell can u know it is full of viruses






He's been sneezing a lot.

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

ad aware is diferent any site u go on does that but they are spyware

he thinks he gets a virus everytime he goes on ebay and u cant tell exactly wen u get a virus and exactly where from plus ebay is a more secure site known by microsoft as it is worldwide and official its smaller run personal sites that are the ones that have more viruses in cos they arnt a professional company.

and pete doesnt have a spyware/ ad aware protector program on his pc just avg


spyware/ ad aware is easy to spot if you check reguarly & know what your looking for

  • CTW Members

I dont have a problem with it home however at work when i go on ebay it causes spyware and adware problems to appear. My IT guy has confirmed that ebay is the cause aswell so it may be secure for most ppl but obviously once in a while it fucks up as i have proof on my work pc.

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

work pcs and businesses have spyware and virus checkers which auto detect but cost a bloody fortune

pete no u cant beleive me sometimes in registry u hadnt a clue what was going on when i had some and thats what it turned out to be a few times you have been like well i dont know then ive called craig and sorted it cause ive had spyware



but Iv found a way to run windows from CD(dvd) & it cant change anything

whats that got to do with anything

  • CTW Members

if windooz is on cd, it's read-only.


yer and whats that got to do with anything here

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