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Its in regard to our lovely 21 year old virgin bizarre work collegue




FAO: Mr Carl Mason




As a legal representative acting on behalf of the social party I would like to inform you that you have violated the following laws found listed in the social guide to life.


i) Trousers, which divorce themselves from the ankle shall not be worn in any public/work place.

ii) Trousers worn without belt is against all social behaviour and will not be tolerated in any public/work place

iii) Trousers with turn ups is not a turn on for the opposite sex

iv) Trouser that are a light colour shall only be worn by members older than 50

v) Trousers that do match the colour of suit jacket in public is a felony and offenders caught will be dealt with under the social act section 74

vi) Odour or smelly sweaty bodies are forbidden in the public/workplace.

vii) Clothes wore that day must be washed before wearing them again.

viii) It is not forbidden to wear deodorant or aftershave.

ix) It is forbidden to use chat up lines i.e. Nice tits, while with colleagues

x) Driving smart cars means driving a nice motor, not over grown go-karts

xi) It is forbidden to wear the same trousers once worn at junior school.

xii) Its is forbidden to assume that any female contact suggests that they want to bed you.

xiii) Finding a meal between breakfast and brunch is not clever just greedy



Please note Mr Mason that all laws stated above have been broken, therefore we have no choice but to sentence you to a day shopping with a female of your choice.


n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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Anytime Liam lol it made me giggle anyway ;oP

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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Well at least it made someone laugh.

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i guess i can see the funny side... blink.gif


but, the poor lass u sent it too, im sure couldnt help feeling offended, and then had that strange feeling at the last part where it says about takin another female shoppin with her...

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It was too a lad not a girl Dom

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

xii) Its is forbidden to assume that any female contact suggests that they want to bed you.



Have they not met you then? bigwink.gif

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haha all my flirting never actually means i want to sleep with them lol in fact its more likely if i dont flirt i fancy you cos im shit with ppl i actually like and cant flirt ;oP

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW Members
It was too a lad not a girl Dom





... blink.gif ....... roflmao.gifroflmao.gifroflmao.gifroflmao.gif AMAZIN!!

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