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  • CTW Moderators

a week working at subway and im running the evening weekend shifts


shows a lot of trust is going my way il be running a team of ppl on friday and saturday nights to work whilst the pubs are open and till after closing and closing up shop.


im well chuffed and its good prospects for me


many might think its just subway but i love working there. grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


well cheers to everyone sad.gif

  • CTW Members

Congrats honey, I would of replied yesterday but I was too busy chatting with you on MSN.


Keep up the good work and you'll be manager before long throb.gif

  • CTW Members

sorry hun, glad ur doin well anyway!!!!!




People say i have a drinkin problem, I like to call it a gift.

  • CTW Members

congratulations yay.gifyay.gifyay.gif

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

  • CTW DJs

congrats daniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


1. Best Dj
2. Funniest Member

  • CTW Members

Nice one Dani, you deserve some good luck at last. huggles.gif

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

thankyou lol


was thinking i was invisable again hehe


oh ginge i wont be no manager of subway there a franchise and u have to buy one to manage the dam things and u can forget that i got another business in mind for future


anyway thanx again peeps grin.gif



  • CTW DJs

not a problemo me old china

Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


1. Best Dj
2. Funniest Member

thats twice u ahve called me that now :S

  • CTW DJs

wats that me old china



thats 3

Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


1. Best Dj
2. Funniest Member

haha why am i the old china??? i dont break that easily tongue.gif

  • CTW Members

I didnt know you were old and chinese Dani.


You learn something new everyday.

neither did i know that ginge uhm.gif

  • CTW Members

Dani = Mao Tse Tung in disguise.

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