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Catflaps..........Catflaps what i the sense in catflaps

I Dont Have A Manflap A Little Spider Doesnt Have A Little Spiderflap

So why do cats have the monoply on flaps

I hate the way they cum into ur house through the cat flap lookin at u as if to say ahahahahahh were is ur flap then u r flapless ...take ur cat and ur flap and bugger of

TV Shows....Tv Shows.........WHY at the end of a tv show show does the man always say we'll see u at the same time next week dont forget to tune in......If ya tune in the same time next week ur programme will be finished....what sense is that..eh .....Where is the logic in that

babies.......i dont like babies I think there up to somethin there always crawlin and creepin around

and they never talk do they all this gogog gaga


That is why u have to have a babysitter

cos if u didnt they minute u leave the house they wud be on the phone ringin up for baby pizza

dancin to fisher price music

lettin all there friends in throught the CATFLAP

i dont trust babies as far as i can throw them and thats a pretty long way

shag pile carpets....... who's idea was shag pile carpets

whats next bonkin rugs

foalicated place mats

I want to know

James bond

I dont trust james bond

everytime u see hime he looks different

everywere he goes it blows up

he goes to china it blows up he goes to jamaica it blows up he goes to russia it blows up

thats why he never goes home cos if he did it wud blow up

Everytime u see james bond he's snoggin up a woman

he goes to china he's snoggin up a woman he goes to russia he's snoggin up a woman he goe to jamaica he's snoggin up a woman

And u never hear him say.............were's my condoms?

shakin not stirred by the way have u got any johnnys for the weekend

so there must be millions of james bond babys goin round

theses cud be dangerous children

u put a nappy on them it blow up u give them a rusk it blow's up they kiss grandma SHE BLOW UP

i dont want to be near these babys

anyway they dont exsist u know why

cos everytime james bond snogs up a woman

the next time u see her she has either been strangled shot or drown

This is a n extreme form of contraception


People say i have a drinkin problem, I like to call it a gift.

  • CTW Members

r u feelin ok today hen?

  • CTW Members

got it all out ur system then? lol

  • CTW Members

nothin else u wanna share?

  • CTW Members

kool as long as im the first to know

why cant we have cat flaps as well as girl ones pmsl.gif

  • CTW Members

Emma, thats plagerism (sp)


You stole most of that from Lenny Henry.


I'm quite ashamed of you.

  • CTW Members

was still funny though ;oP

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW Members

i know lol thats the whole point



other people write jokes but i dont see any1 slag shaney when he posts them wink.gif

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Thats coz its expected off Shaney.

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i did steal it , but never knew it came from lenny henry lol


my mate sent me it and i couldnt stop laughing lol, thought i would share it with you all.


People say i have a drinkin problem, I like to call it a gift.

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