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Well here it is - the statr to another NEW week ! ninja.gif


So who is glad to be back in work today ? I know I am ! Had roughly about 3 hours sleep last night. Went to bed about 10ish, fell asleep about 11, woke up to some RaNdOm text from some RaNdOm TwOnK w00t.gif , then couldn't get back to sleep as I felt I had been asleep for hours ! Fell asleep at about 3 and woke for 5 and got up for work and out of the house for 5:45 ! Do you feel more alert with little sleep ? It's strange as I can focus much more on little sleep and can think MUCH more clearly blink.gif I thik I slept a bit too much during Saturday day and Sunday morning / afternoon as I'd been out mostly all weekend and hadn't slept. It's good to be back in work though - I miss this place on weekends blush.gifw00t.gifbigwink.gif

Edited by Maria

  • CTW Members

was that a load of rabble or was that a load of rabble there miss mankster??? lol

i know why im excited about this monday



only 18minutes to go lol!

Oooh good luck Domo - I have every faith in you to pass ! I didn't know you were learning. Best of luck mate - I will be thinking of you ! flowers.gifhuggles.gif

  • CTW Members

thanks ba its in the other thread now hehe.

so what was the RaNdOm TeXt about??? lol blink.gif

F*ck knows. Can't remember, so I'm guessing it wasn't from anyone impoartant / special as I deleted it and thought 'ANAL TWONK bird.gif ' for waking me up ! lol.gifsmile.gifninja.gif

  • CTW Members

lol i wouldnt have had the patience to stay up so long to go thru the menus to delete it lol

also it would be good to be able to read over what u get thru the middle of the night and then also read your reply. see what stuff you come out in half conciousness lol

lol i wouldnt have had the patience to stay up so long to go thru the menus to delete it lol

also it would be good to be able to read over what u get thru the middle of the night and then also read your reply. see what stuff you come out in half conciousness lol



Hey you know I did that a few weeks ago. My mate text me about half midnight and it woke me up. I read it and replied to him and the following morning I read my reply and I had sent him just something like the first 2 letters of good night and left it at that lol.gif

  • CTW Members

Im back in today after a week off, not looking too bad only 16 emails that i need to action which are the huge problems no-one wanted to do last week so appear to have put off til im back thatnks guys!!!!


Glad went to sleep at half 7 last night now

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

That's the WORST thing I have to come back to if I have been off work. HUNDREDS of e:mails. mad.gif When I came back from holiday I had 1100 hundred e:mails to sort out which resulted in me coming into work an hour earlier to sort them out !

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