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being mad at my friends. even when they bullshit me. then they suck up cos they know im mad that they bullshit me. which in turn makes me feel like an arse! blink.gif

You're not an arse, just too soft ! tongue.gif

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yeh well i stuck to my guns this time and i think now maybe shes a bit upset...


grr i hate this

Sticking to your guns is good. Peo[ple may understand the person you are, a bit better;)

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i guess.


ohhhhhhhhhhh i HATE this.... sad.gifsad.gifsad.gifsad.gif


my friend emma text me to see about the test. and we were talkin bout stuff and trying to get laura to come and we'd go to play pool or something.

laura is probably at work cos we couldnt get in touch.

so. nobody else to go with cos theyre all in work or college etc.

suddenly, oh she has to take her mum up to the hospial cos shes had her blood test back.

(...last time it was she had to stay in cos her dad had a sore back............ yeahrite.gif )

so i was like hmm. ok then i'll see ya later. bye.

which caused her to start sayin sorry and suckin up

then i say a lil joke like taxi

and she texts back again sayin how shes all worried n stuff and she cant walk which is why she has to drive for her etc etc.

now i feel like a twat and only because i wanted to go out with my friends and have a nice day despite failing driving tests! and thinking that suddenly cos its only me to go out with she must be bullshitting me like she did through the summer sad.gif

college 2 days a week is no social life. must i be kept alone when im home?!?

SO not fair

im well not happy at all

lol um, so are you basically saying she is possibly lieing to not come out ? huggles.gif

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maybe not now which is why i feel stupid now.


i told my mum cos she asked whats up. and she said maybe she only wants to go out in a group of friends rather than just with me. maybe her boyfriend doesnt like the idea either.

fair enough cos thats more understandable

so why doesnt she tell me that instead of bullshitting her way out?

and anyway i dont care what gary thinks - he cheated on her and as far as i can see i dont want to know about anything to do with him. emma doesnt know. i cant say anything cos it will break them up and she is happy, and then she will see me as the guy that broke her longest relationship up.


i dunno what to do. sometimes im completely SICK of the way my life is going.

Aww poor you ! Maybe you are just thinking too much into things and maybe she really is being genuine, and even if she is, you shouldn't feel stupid about it. Sure, you can go out when your mates finish College / Work, can you not ?

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well. we go home after that. shrug.gif


im thinking that this one is genuine which is why i feel stupid.


deborah is home from glasgow tonight and all the girls are out together.

not that much interested in girly evenings.

but still.......................... hummmm...

i'll just go to bed i think and stay there..

  • CTW DJs

stop ya moaning!

Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


1. Best Dj
2. Funniest Member

Go out with them - I'm sure you will have a laff !

stop ya moaning!



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shoosht you, i never told u to shut up when u were last complaining tongue.gif


nay maria, girly night means girlys only lol

  • CTW DJs

i dont complain mate, i sort everything out wink.gif


i have sum records 4 u my matey if ya interested

Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


1. Best Dj
2. Funniest Member


nay maria, girly night means girlys only lol



Vibrators and clit balls ?

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