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Is it really bad that I could picture you in Black Stiletto (sp?) Heels, with a fag in your gob, aswsell ?



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No, its not bad...and I bet the image is doing things to you as well isnt it. wicked.gif

WOWZERS - what a buzz.  Confident as ever, FINALLY got the 'nack' on doing reversing around corners, drove about for a bit, used all the gears which seem stiff as fook (well, 1st and 2nd), clutch is stiff(ish) and makes me leg shake when I'm using it for reversing, nad one slight tap in the Accelorator makes it rev like a beast  blink.gif


Very, very nice drive though. So smooth on the road, pretty nippy and an all round sorted little car.  It looks tops parked outside me house !  My mum said I was very good on the road too, albeit she was quite nervous when I first sat behind the wheel  dj.gif


Driving has become me new found addiction.  It's better than sex  w00t.gif  lol.gif  excited.gif




Nice one Maria ... I was far more confident when I bought my first car before my test although I was naughty once or twice and nipped to the shops in it blushing.gif


Have you booked your test yet?



although I was naughty once or twice and nipped to the shops in it  blushing.gif





He he, I've already thought about doing that lol.gif But I best not, my mum is named driver on the car also and can't drive without her in it.


Not booked my test yet, I've been back having lessons for about 4 weeks now aftr 4 years yikes.gif but my instructor says I should be redy for my test within the next month or two. Bricking it ! :|

  • CTW Members

ive thought about doin that myself as well.

i have drove around the block by myself, but thats nothin really

  • CTW Members

Dont be scared you'll be fine!! Dont risk gong anywhere in it til u've passed your test i nearly did and thought id got away with it til my neighbour said to my mum congratulate Katie on passing her test as she thought i had as she'd seen me driving!! oopsy

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW Members

so how much shit did you get in for that one????

Dont be scared you'll be fine!! Dont risk gong anywhere in it til u've passed your test i nearly did and thought id got away with it til my neighbour said to my mum congratulate Katie on passing her test as she thought i had as she'd seen me driving!! oopsy



  • CTW Members


n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

That's parents for you !

  • CTW Members

She was totally right like but at the time it never feels like that. Thing with my mum is we are tota opposites so argue loads but we both have really really fiery tempers so when it kicks off all hell breaks loose as neither of us back down!

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW Members

lol i hate that

Dawn - car is in the garage - they said they shouldn't be the way they are so they are re-doing them for me today. sweating.gif

Well thats good at least you'll not be worried sick when your out in (have you named 'it')... not so good for me as mine sound the same blink.gif

  • CTW Members

You should go street racing in it.

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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