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Go fer it - if it's what you want to do and all that !


My Mum and Dad used to own a pub at the top end of my street many, many moons ago ! It can be good fun ! yay.gif

i loved working in the pubs and night clubs and im great with ppl


when shays old enough i want to own a pub that can have djs in for pre club partys but not whilst he is a kid gona settle for a quiet one

Well good luck with it all thumbsup.gif

  • CTW Members
I'm pretty damn cool mate to be honest !  Been out for a meal this evening and I'm all stuffed out and knackered also.


You ?



I'm good thanks


Got my diploma results back month or so back and got it

am temping atm for a bank = lots of money

setting up my home studio which is going ahead rather nicely and I am just about to do a £2K upgrade to it blink.gif


also doing lots of live sound gigs, and its coming into xmas season for office party djing gigs as well


Saving up for a house as well I have decided


so much busier than when i used to come on here, lol

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

  • CTW Members
Sort of like the Mile High club, but not quite . . . bigwink.gif  w00t.gif


Sorry to say but still confused.


100% of what?




General naughtiness?


Please explain to a simpleton like me. For all I know it could be 100% of the time you're sat down or you been caught 100% of the time trying to pinch valuable work items. eek.gif


Please, please, please tell me or I might get Craig to make me deaf in the other ear. flowers.gif

Monitored on my Call Handling and Information Gathering with my Users when I am in contact with them, and then my Offline Work is also monitored within the 100% grade, in regards to my E:Mailing to Users crucial Account Information, creating Accounts in / on the London, Scotland, Manchester, Wales and N.Irelands Servers in Active Directory, Reseting Passwords, Creating VPN Accounts, and lots more ! My time keeping ia good too. I'm always in 30-45 minutes before my shift blush.gif Not in till 10:45 this morning . . .had a late night last night bigwink.gifbaz.gif





  • CTW Members



Congrats honey. throb.gifnotworthy.gif

Thank you shweetie grin.gif

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