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  • CTW Members

my boss lost two sons in a car crash yesterday afternoon, im sat here thinking how the hell will they get thro this sad time sad.gif . we all lose ppl we love i know, but 2 sons in one go is terrible innit

Jesus, that is seriously one harsh kick in the guts sad.gifsad.gif

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these kinda things always happen before xmas somehow too dont they

Too true Paula. Plus there was that car accident in Essex the other morning too. sad.gif

  • CTW Members

I overheard some bloke in my pub the other day, someone who wasnt out with the lads lost FIVE friends in a single car crash. Five of his best fucking mates! =/ He was supposed to be going on holiday, but didnt go cos all 5 funerals were on 1 day....

  • CTW DJs

A friend of mine found his dad dead on Christmas morning.


I couldnt begin to understand how that would feel

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when at school i lost 4 best mates in 1 car accident

4 funerals over 2 days is really bad and i cant imagine what its like for the lads parents i cant imagine anything happening like that to my family


thats awful sad.gif

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yeah i heard bout that crash maria, think it was the same day. not seen my boss, but sent a big bouquet of flowers too them. just carrying on with work best i can. just been told hes moving back too leicester. feeling it for them real bad at the mo. just been on the news and it was on with thier pics sad.gif

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