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i've flown over it a few times - looks very um.. white

not arctic or antarctic but for some reason i have a desire to go to Iceland or somewhere else similar that is cold


Iceland would be nice aswell. I just got brochures sent to me for up South aswell. When I go up to the South, Iceland will deffo be part of my Tailored Holiday. The Ice Hotel looks absolutely fantastic, and you get to sleep in it for one night. A big huge comfy matress, placed on huge blocks of Ice, and you get to sleep in Reindeer Skin so no fear of thinking you will freeze to death. There are also Igloos where you can stay in for one night, it's optional with the Ice Hotel. It's the nads ! And you can see the Northern Lights up there too, which also is a fantastic bonus of being in Iceland, and one hell of an experience to endure.


I got all my information for the Antarctic today, and the holiday is picked, for the price I'm willing to pay which I will be booking when I come back from Thailand in November this year. The Antarctic is where all the Wildlife is, and the sight seeing is up in the Arctic and both, through loads of research are deffinitly places you have to go before you pass on ! PLUS you get to experience -20 to -50 temepratures ! AWESOME ! :D

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