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Its that time again as Clubbed Up start your weekend with 2 hours of action packed music with extra beef. As usual we will let you know what we got upto last weekend,whats coming up this weekend and also anything else interesting coming up you may wanna get your grubby little mitts on


This weeks guest is one of the rising stars of the northern scene,Booth. Booth has been tearing down venues all across the north of the country with his trademark dirty and techy sounds. More recently Booth has been in the studio with Digital Kid alongside another northern starlet,Andy Rise,the end product was a typically brutal techno assault called Break It Down which has been getting caned by alot of major players an also signed to Nosebleed Records,due for a release very soon so watch out for that one


Booth will also be giving us a live uncut mix and we will be giving him the usual roasting under the spoltlight,as always any abuse or dirt you wanna dish get it sent over to INFO@CLUBBEDUP.CO.UK,we like to make them blush,on the other hand if you have something nice to say to the young lad from Blackburn then get that sent over too and we will read it out if we have time haha


The Tiglet will of course be having his 15 minutes of fame as always he will have 3 prime cuts or pure musical history for you,or in other words his top 3 classics of the week,we havent had any real Turkeys for a while so maybe this is the week for a comeback!!!!


Don't forget to tune into Clubbed Up Radio every Friday from 7pm on WWW.WCR1350.CO.UK and any shouts,info or random nonsense get sent over to INFO@CLUBBEDUP.CO.UK!!!!



  • CTW DJs

good show again danny :)

Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


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