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I've not been to smile before but since me and a mate were at a loose end this weekend and weren't allowed to go to HHA sad.gif we thought we'd give it a go and try somewhere new...it didn't get off to the best of starts, when we got to Happy Jack's (which is easier to find when you know where it is...I know that sounds really obvious but reserve judgement till you've actually had to try and find the bloody place) a guy came out and told us that due to problems with the council (dunno what? I know that they had problems for Obsession...something about sound levels...perhaps it was that again?) they'd had to cancel the night at Happy Jacks but had arranged for a new venue (Studio 33 in Vauxhall) and were paying for everyone to get cabs there!...which was nice smile.gif


After a fraught cab ride with a driver more confused and lost than we were, we eventually arrived and got in, there was quite an odd mix of people and music in there...funky house in the first room we got to, hard house in the main room and (bizarrely) some horrendous euro-cheese in another room (which was populated entirely by Russians apparently!?!?!)...but I thought it worked really well...everyone seemed to have a wicked time...I spent most of the night in the main room dancing my ass off! (the music was absolutely feckin' amazing! and it just didn't let up all night) but made occasional forays into the funky house bit to cool down, and...er...well the least said about the third room the better I think, suffice to say that it was avoided...apart from a brief moment spent in there leering at some gorgeous eastern european women (mmmmmmmmm) but we couldn't last too long, the music was crushing our will to live! The only bad part of the evening was trying to get home...two poor cold, confused and very lost boys wandering the streets of London for hours until we could find our way back, oh dear.


So anyway, I had a fantastic time, met some wicked people and will definitely be going again (wherever it may be smile.gif)...my only problem is that since I spent all night dancing i'm now sat at my desk in rather a lot of pain (bloody back!) *sigh* sometimes it sucks getting old smile.gif


Many thanks to Tony as well for getting us both on the paying guest list grin.gif

Edited by Lizard

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sounds like an eventfull night lol.gif


you gonna do the ctw/smile night in june?

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QUOTE (Louise @ Mar 1 2004, 12:34)
you gonna do the ctw/smile night in june?

Dunno...probably...i'll say yes but I can't plan that far ahead smile.gif planning for next week is something of an achievement for me grin.gif

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QUOTE (Lizard @ Mar 1 2004, 11:24)
(bizarrely) some horrendous euro-cheese in another room (which was populated entirely by Russians apparently

lol.gif was a gay fetish night when we were there last unsure.gif


Didn't matter how much i begged they just wouldn't let me in there (closed room) mad.gif




Glad you had a yay.gif time


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QUOTE (Dawn @ Mar 1 2004, 19:13)
lol.gif was a gay fetish night when we were there last unsure.gif

As in you went to a gay fetish night? or there was one on in the other room when you were there?...not that there's anything wrong with either gay or fetish nights of course...they can be quite good fun smile.gif


Speaking of which has anyone ever been to Torture Garden?

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