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  • CTW Members

Hey there! Anyone been to or heard anythin about Benicassim festival in Spain?? :happydance:



  • CTW DJs

not heard of it hun, glad 2 see ya back online :)

Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


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my friend barbara told me its basically a music festival where bands play and things. bit like your average T In The Park or a very small Glastonbury type thing. only, its in spain so unless you go wi ya mates or hook up wit some english folks then you gonna be lost in a swarm of spanish lingo

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Hello there Shaney... what ru doing with ur lovely self these days?


DjDomo, I heard it was a 9 day rave on the beach tho, t in the park wasnt really what i had in mind!! The website is in spanish so i cant work out whether there is ne djs to be confirmed..... I need to get it translated


Theres a psy trance full moon festival in Ireland that I may end up at instead, tho I could still get lost in the lingo there!!

  • CTW DJs

The festival in ireland will be top bollox, fuck spain go to it instead.


I'll give you my mob number and if you get lost with the chat you can ring me and I'll translate lol.

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

  • CTW Members

DjDomo, I heard it was a 9 day rave on the beach tho, t in the park wasnt really what i had in mind!! The website is in spanish so i cant work out whether there is ne djs to be confirmed..... I need to get it translated




if you go >>HERE and put the url in the box it will translate the webpage for ya :thumbsup:

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Thanks! Its all making much more sence now!!


I mite take up the offer of that Irish translation it would be useful to no a few phrases if i go...... im only going for the for the crack really, its good over there right!??

  • CTW DJs

Crack? as in Needle juice? haha!


The craic is good yeah! Or as we'd say, "The craic is ninety"

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

  • CTW DJs

Kinkystewardess - well at the moment im still getting over the tidy weekender, wat about u hun? xx

Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


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Il be sure to remember to use that one, i dunno if il pull it off with a london accent tho, but either crack works for me! Na, lol!!


My irish phrase book suggests 'top of the morning te ya: a friendly greeting used when conversing with aquaintences' I guess the cockney equivelent would be alrite mate!


Im good, got a few days off wrk so thought i would relax but my brother broke his collar bone so its been hospital visits and all that the past few days, hes guna have to take a month off wrk which hes a bit down about...


How was tidy then, whats the gossip!!

  • CTW DJs

Well i use 'top of the mornin to ya' now and then lol!!


Tidy wasnt that good to be honest with you, it was my worst 1 infact, i found it full of chavs, there was fighting quite abit on the friday, alot of attitude everywhere, so it was pretty crap, was good 2 see everyone though, that was the best part about it, doubt ill go 2 another 1, hows ya brother now???



Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


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My bros not too bad hes a bit worried about rent and stuff as he cant wrk for so long but i think he'l sort something out.


Thats such a shame about tidy, i didnt expect to hear any fights kicking off but i guess thats chavs, u cant take em newhere eh? I really dont understand pple who turn up with that kinda attitude tho, festivals or ne event should be all about the music, meeting some cool pple and getting a bit wrecked!!


Do ya reckon ul not go to ne festivals or just tidy events?



  • CTW DJs

I shall probably be at Global Gathering hun, and maybe Dance Valley, but im off 2 ibiza aswell so im not 100%, also if i get gigs then i usually give outings up 2 play instead, what about yaself, you got plans for 2006 or ya gonna work it around ya job??

Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


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I went to global last suma and it was awesome, im planning to go bk this yr as well so we shuld meet up!! :excited:


Im actually thinking of leaving my job, the hours and the pay are shite and i dont have enough time for a life at the moment. A friend of mine has his own business and needs someone in the office to do admin stuff which i have experience in so il prob go for that......


Anyways it just means id be able to plan stuff which i cdnt before



  • CTW DJs

Well if i go 2 gloval then we'll deffo meet up, make a point of it ;)


Well i can see where ya coming from with ya job, i bet it is tiring and obviously ya dont get much time 2 yaself at all, at least ya can say youve done it and go back into it if need be........


Does this mean you'll have 2 change ya name to Kinky Administrator hehe!!


PM coming your way aswell

Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


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