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Hi hun, just read through your news post.

Congrats hun, am pleased your happy at last.

Was gobsmacked about the amount of crap you have recieved for being pregnant, that Crimey guy must be jelous he`s not man enough to father a child.. You are a good mum already and i hope you`ll all be happy together, oh and if you do move i can visit you more as staffordshire aint that far from me.. :thumbsup:

pic i said id put up of kiara and baby skye.



Edited by the 1 n only

aww hun they are so adorable


how old are they now and you boy hows he?


i dont worry about pathetic idiots like crimey, hes just having a pop cause he has no life but as you know yourself nothing can bring you down when your pregnant and happy :)


you will have to send me your number via email or pm as ive just changed phone again, and il know tomorrow if im moving as the guys coming to view the place. :)


i really hope he wants to move though as im really fed up here, even fed up of my job cause the little brats in the area giving me shit.


hope alls good with you



that Crimey guy must be jelous he`s not man enough to father a child.


Got it in one dude, I'm really jealous. :announce:


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Kiara is 15 months old and Skye is 8 weeks on sunday, time seems to of gone so fast.

Will pm you my number no prob.

James is fine he`s 5 now though am glad he`s at school now as he was being a rebel but its calmed him down a little, he gets a little over the top at times seems to forget the girls are younger than him. Hows you 3 ?

pains in the back side lol


mikey is 8 now and has been diagnosed with adhd so its really hard for him, brandon is still small hes like me a short arse lol and shay is at school now but has been naughty quite a lot. although since the bratt from upstairs has moved out and left his school shay has started behaving.

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