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QUOTE (Don @ Feb 10 2004, 08:08 PM)
In answer, not all of us are arseholes. And some of us are single (not me though - stop getting excited! lol.gif )

I know a lot of women harp on at their friends and anyone who will stay still for a nanosecond, about the state of men today blah blah blah blah blah. But have you considered that a lot of men also feel this way? That we take a long time to open up and trust people.

Perhaps some of us are too like each other for our own good....

Agree with every word of that Don.


Yes men can be arses. I have been in the past, but i decided to change my ways, and now i am reaping the benefits.


My mate has just been treated like a doormat for the past 6 months and he has finally got out, and he now realises what was going on. He used to be just like me, until he was with this girl, and now he knows how all the girls he treated like shit felt,and its not nice.


As was said earlier every relationship is a learning curve, if they dont last the distance, then you can take from that, and learn for the next experience your gonna have. You will eventually find that one person that 'rocks your world'.

CTW Sexiest Male Member

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i am what i am, a good bloke who is honest: a bloke who has patience (most of the time): and a gsoh to boot plus i am committed in whatever relationship (and job) i am in........ now who wants more then that? huh.gif




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Not all men are assholes,

Some of us are kind n genuine, but when you get close to someone you can get scared and you push them away, because of the fear of getting hurt later on.

Just be who you are, you have to accept that there are complete wankers out there that cant understand how much they can hurt people.

not sure what more to add,


but jilly, you may be small in stature but you make up for it with your warm and happy personality huggles.gif (sorry abit cheesy i guess)

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i know what u mean don/bushy and i admit girls are like that too...were all as bad as each other...


tom - thanks so much, your such a wee sweetheart wub.gifhuggles.gif

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im giving men the miss this year!!!


all the men im gonna ave are my friends!!


thats all i seem to make atm anyway so may aswell keep it that way!!

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i know steph sad.gif its shit...


i think my luck might change on saturday tho, i shagged phil reynolds against a fence in my dream last night shag.gif it was well good.....he asked me to spank his ass ohmy.gif so did....yum!! lol.gif

  • CTW Promotors
QUOTE (tidytart @ Feb 11 2004, 01:20 AM)
im giving men the miss this year!!!

all the men im gonna ave are my friends!!

thats all i seem to make atm anyway so may aswell keep it that way!!

I wont show Dave this post then hon???? huh.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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QUOTE (miss_diddy @ Feb 11 2004, 01:03 PM)
QUOTE (tidytart @ Feb 11 2004, 01:20 AM)
im giving men the miss this year!!!

all the men im gonna ave are my friends!!

thats all i seem to make atm anyway so may aswell keep it that way!!

I wont show Dave this post then hon???? huh.gif

i really like dave but im just scared that its just gonna end up the way it alwyas does!

  • CTW Promotors
QUOTE (tidytart @ Feb 11 2004, 01:10 PM)
QUOTE (miss_diddy @ Feb 11 2004, 01:03 PM)
QUOTE (tidytart @ Feb 11 2004, 01:20 AM)
im giving men the miss this year!!!

all the men im gonna ave are my friends!!

thats all i seem to make atm anyway so may aswell keep it that way!!

I wont show Dave this post then hon???? huh.gif

i really like dave but im just scared that its just gonna end up the way it alwyas does!

sweets he really likes you & is coming up to see you Sat, I know where you are coming from, we have all been down that road, but once in a while you have to bite the bullet & take a chance, but it is always best to keep a wee bit of the wall up if you know what I mean!! grouphug.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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QUOTE (tidytart @ Feb 11 2004, 01:10 PM)
QUOTE (miss_diddy @ Feb 11 2004, 01:03 PM)
QUOTE (tidytart @ Feb 11 2004, 01:20 AM)
im giving men the miss this year!!!

all the men im gonna ave are my friends!!

thats all i seem to make atm anyway so may aswell keep it that way!!

I wont show Dave this post then hon???? huh.gif

i really like dave but im just scared that its just gonna end up the way it alwyas does!

thats exactly what i thought about phil.........5 months on we are still together wub.gif


bloody hell has it been that long already ohmy.gif

Women fuck guys around just as much as guys fuck women around. I've been lucky to have some amazing relationships in my time but at the same time I've had some fucking shit ones.


At the end of the day, if you feel you have something to offer someone and they have something to offer you and you make each other happier then go for it. Too many people are scared of getting hurt because they've been fucked over in the past and miss out on the now.


I think the good times on the whole generally outweight the bad but for some reason it's only the bad that stick with us. I'd rather give it a shot with someone and if it doesn't work then it doesn't work and you move on but if it does it's the best thing ever.

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kether will you be my boyfriend?????


i think im in love with you wub.gifwub.gif

QUOTE (tidytart @ Feb 11 2004, 02:13 PM)
kether will you be my boyfriend?????

i think im in love with you wub.gifwub.gif

How can I choose between you and Jimmy? blushing.gif

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QUOTE (Louise @ Feb 11 2004, 01:55 PM)
QUOTE (tidytart @ Feb 11 2004, 01:10 PM)
QUOTE (miss_diddy @ Feb 11 2004, 01:03 PM)
QUOTE (tidytart @ Feb 11 2004, 01:20 AM)
im giving men the miss this year!!!

all the men im gonna ave are my friends!!

thats all i seem to make atm anyway so may aswell keep it that way!!

I wont show Dave this post then hon???? huh.gif

i really like dave but im just scared that its just gonna end up the way it alwyas does!

thats exactly what i thought about phil.........5 months on we are still together wub.gif


bloody hell has it been that long already ohmy.gif

wub.gif aww im really happy for you hun!!


fingers crossed one day i will be happy like lisa&tony, luu& phil etc...


yous all seem so good together.... wub.gif



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QUOTE (mistress_hoover @ Feb 5 2004, 11:30 AM)
just want to ask a question to all the men in here...coz id count all of yous as mates...

why do most men gain your trust, friendship and then just treat u like shit and throw it in your face??

i dont understand what gives some guys the right to do this (im sure some girls are like this too..this is me just going on a rant)...

im sick of being nice and then just feeling like a total twat coz yet again guys walk over me (lol..is it my height?? lol.gif ).

where have all the nice single men gone??

yaaaay my first rant on the new board!!heehee tongue.gif

(btw..this wasnt directed at anyone it was just me on a rant..).


Yeah, i completely agree with you on this one!!


I mean why?? Its men and there super huge EGO!!


I think there problem is they think that there gods gift to girls, wether or not they have been hit a few times with the ugly tree!!


It really does piss me right off when they do that!! GRRRR mad.gif


I can think of a few people that has dome this!! sad.gif

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