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well, last night wuz messed u proper!!!


started drinking bout 5pm,


then i had an arguement with my boyfriend over me taking pills last weekend.


we kissed and made up and decided to go out to the local s hit hole of a club quayhole kates.


i was totally pissed out my nut and got kicked out


me and my boyfriend had proper big arguement and he pushed me over and left me


i cracked my head open and it wuz pouring wit blood


i was unconsious and got rushed to hospital, then i discharged myself at 6 o clock this morning cuz there was no way i was gunn spend the night in there!!


i rang my boyfriend up today and told him what happend cuz he didnt know i got rushed to hospital and now hes got a mega GUILT trip yay.gif


he says hes worried bout me and he gunna make it up to me lol


all in all it wuz a good night





People say i have a drinkin problem, I like to call it a gift.

  • CTW Members

well, last night wuz messed u proper!!!


Eh? huh.gif


hope your feeling a bit better........................ but i wouldnt admit to all that on a board sad.gifblink.gif



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QUOTE (Louise @ Mar 6 2004, 16:25)
well, last night wuz messed u proper!!!


Eh? huh.gif


hope your feeling a bit better........................ but i wouldnt admit to all that on a board sad.gifblink.gif

i mean messed up tongue.gif


yeh im feeling a bit better just got a thumping headache

im a very open person tongue.gif


People say i have a drinkin problem, I like to call it a gift.

  • CTW DJs

i dont even know how you can talk to your bf after what he did to you! whether he intended to crack your head open or not is irrelavent, he shouldnt have left you in town in the middle of the night if your quite clearly not in the state to look after yourself mad.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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Exactly Mr Happy wtf.gif


Surely he must have known you were unconscious with blood pouring out ya head sad.gif


  • CTW Members
QUOTE (Mr_Happy @ Mar 6 2004, 19:23)
i dont even know how you can talk to your bf after what he did to you! whether he intended to crack your head open or not is irrelavent, he shouldnt have left you in town in the middle of the night if your quite clearly not in the state to look after yourself mad.gif

yeahthat.gif a major guilt trip is the least he should have! something much worse could have happened to you (though that was bad enough). Hope your head's feeling a bit better smile.gif

  • CTW Members

This man should be treated with the contempt he deserves.

You must have more repect for yourself than to go back to this guy and let him talk you around.


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he pushed me over outside his, wen i spoke to him he sed he was hammered aswell and didnt think he had pushed me that hard,

o well. sad.gif


cheers for the support everyone thanx.gifily.gif


People say i have a drinkin problem, I like to call it a gift.

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