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Students mad.gif





































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QUOTE (Lisa @ Mar 20 2004, 10:32)
This is almost as bad as inconsiderate neighbours who wake you most mornings at the crack of fecking dawn, arguing & smashing their house up mad.gifmad.gif

I am sick off it & am totally with you titchy sad.gif

whos this then lisa? i'm your neighbour mad.gif i was told about this post ages ago didnt know wat all the fuss was about till now!

tich: you should talk to your niegbours tell them how you feel not just ignore them and hope it goes away, cos that way they wont know how you realy feel

lisa:i'm sorry you couldnt come talk to me thought we were good friends, guess i was wrong, and as i remeber wev had an agreement about our music, concidering we both have the same sound system i just dont complain to you or our other neighbours i just live with it i was wondering y you were ignoring me now i know shame cos i valued our friendship alot sad.gif

  • CTW Promotors

Ermm I did talk to you about it, several times!!! uhm.gif & my post does not mention music does it!!?? Im not getting in to it on a public message board, pm me or pop over, or i'll come to you. As for ignoring you now, I think not Bec, I never see you, to ignore you rolleyes.gif

Edited by Lisa

Techno, Techno, Techno

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