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Just interested to find out what peoples views are on this subject nowadays.


Over the last year & a half I think alot of us have really calmed down on this front, and since ive been studying the real implications of this drug I would never touch it with a long stick ever ever again.


I cant believe how much risk people are subjecting themselves without knowing the true implications of it.


Admittedly I was once, one of those people, but the long term risks are really scary, and depriving your body of serotonin which

basically makes you tick is probably one of the most stupid things you could do.


Your views....

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iv used it only once in 12 months (the last time i went out) and i wont be doing it again, i dont miss it and never will do.


im suicidal for 3 days after using......nah, not for me no.gifthumbsdown.gif


not much help i know, sorry.gif

  • CTW Members

i have calmed down ALOT with it.......i was taking it everyday...(dont ask why)

i only take it once in a blue moon

i do enjoy the buzz but it was just fooking wit my head and my life


People say i have a drinkin problem, I like to call it a gift.

  • CTW Members

i am in complete agreement Jay (for a change). really thought the risks were worth it at the start, but its not just the chance of dying. with a constant headfuck i just can't do what i'm supposed to do. essentially, i've had my fun. i'll be out for the people and the music from now on.


they're a bit of fun, once in a while - but doing them every week has really showed me their bad side. i'd rather be with it.


  • CTW Members

if ur careful and dont over do it,i really dont see a problem with it.

take vitamins and 5-htp to replace sereton and just in general be careful and always stay with a group of trusted friends.


so what do u guys do when u go out then?


i dont want a big debate about this but if u say drinking dont u realise the risks are bigger? suicides,liver disease,kidney problems,alcohol poisioning,becoming an alcoholic,drink driving...blah,blah. theres loads more to add obviously.

i actually think this has been done b4 on here... blink.gif


at the end of the day drinking kills more people then pills ever will,it makes u do thinks u wouldnt normal do and gets u in dodgy situations, even the people that have died from pills 80% of those that died had taken alcohol or other drugs with it,its very rarely pills on there own.


if u do pills just do pills if u drink just drink,its about being sensible,whatever u do.

drink is a drug and a dangerous killing one at that ,yet because its legal everyone just ok's it...



Edited by kitty


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i wouldn't go out clubbing a drink (to get drunk) - i don't find the music goes well with the sloshing feeling in me tummy. i'll just be completely sober i guess.


for some people its possible to do them and be fine, but on Monday mornings i have to be able to write philosophy essays - it means constantly thinking hard about arguments and theories. mixing that and pills is just not a viable combination.

  • CTW Members

i dont think its ok to get pissed either (working in pubs for 10 years i see what real damage it can do to someones life) and people dont realise how annoying they are sad.gif


i dont do any class A's, (anymore) and i have the odd beer when out (2, maybe 3)

at the end of the day kitty, although drink can give you liver disease etc

you can find bad points to almost any vice, hence it being a vice in the first place.


alcohol is safe in moderation, we know that because we have seen the long term implications of it.


prolonged ecstasy use has not been investigated thoroughly nor has it been around long enough for us to really know for sure.


heroin was at one time believed to be good for you....


im not suddenly saying all drugs are bad, there not for me but i cant see many problems apart from addiction with most.


ecstasy deprives you of serotonin however which no other drug does, and it is inextricably linked to your happiness.


Prozac for example (which is the most commonly used antidepressant) is a SSRI which basically means in inhibits your

serotonin uptake (makes it last longer basically) and this makes you more stable....


if that is the case (which it is) then what is everyone doing to themselves week in week out systematically depriving themselves

from serotonin, the worrying thing is that not only does it drain you of it, it also damages whatever it is that helps you make


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i agree.


theres so many things in life tho that damage the body or brain,and most of us do one such thing, like i said,i take 5-htp to replace the sereton and i feel 100% better for it.

we all have different things that we like or dislike,thats what makes us all unique,so theres no point me preaching to u or anyone else bout what i dislike/like.

at the end of the day,thro my experiences so far i dislike drink and everything it does to people,i dislike being around drunks.

this is only from MY experience so far tho.


i dont believe for a minute that u go out and dont drink or do something.

but yes we do all have our vises.


fact is,smoking and drink are 2 biggest killers.


but im not gonna tell anyone what they should or shouldnt do.

i like the fact we all have different opinons,or we'd all be boring grin.gif


  • CTW Members
QUOTE (kitty @ Mar 11 2004, 14:42)
i dont believe for a minute that u go out and dont drink or do something.

why do people feel the need to do something? drugs help a night out, but they don't make a night out. thats the company and the music.

fact is,smoking and drink are 2 biggest killers.


true, but they are more widely used & we are seeing long term effects happening now.


ecstasy use has only been prevalent for 10-15 years so who knows what sort of timebomb society is sitting on.


5-HTP (tryptophan) does help produce 5-HT (serotonin) short term but it does not help in the slightest with the long term dangers on ecstasy use.



  • CTW Moderators

The labs are always testing on E for long term effects etc and there is always new information about the said drug on the horizon.


I think most of E users know the short / long term damage and what kind of effect it can have on you, later, in life.


All users know that there is a possible danger when consuming E. As and when you take it = death, or later on in life. BUt it's always a risk everyone takes.




No matter how many people preach about the drug / any drug, that won't / doesn't stop them consuming them, untill they actually become a victim. i.e they have a bad E.

Edited by Maria

  • CTW Members
QUOTE (Stu @ Mar 11 2004, 14:50)
QUOTE (kitty @ Mar 11 2004, 14:42)
i dont believe for a minute that u go out and dont drink or do something.

why do people feel the need to do something? drugs help a night out, but they don't make a night out. thats the company and the music.

stu i think we're all aware its the company and the music that make a night,

however how many people go out straight? not many u'll find.

do u honestly go out straight everytime u go out? or do u do something ur not gonna admit to on here?



jay,honestly im not debating that pills arent bad for u,they r

i know this but we all make different choices on what we prefere to do on a night out.

whats the point in debating "oh but pills do this to u"

"oh but drink does this to u"

it aint gonna make a difference.


we have the ame opinion on these things the differece is is i like to take the risk on one thing and u on maybe another. its life.


  • CTW Members

i started doing it class A's last october - this year i said that i'd cut down on them, and i pracically did a night stright (took half of one) and i can remember my entire night and danced like a loon, although it not often i take them anyways, only when im clubbin in london and i've cut down on the amount i do.


When i first did one, i had no idea what it was, yea ok a pill.. a pill of what tho? AFTER takin it i asked what it was, and was told it was ecstacy - ok call me a blonde of whatever, but i'd never seen a drug before blink.gif


Only effect i get off it is slight memory loss i dont get suicidal nor do i get comedowns, the one nice effect i get off it, is that it makes me all cuddly so i have a nice cuddle sesh with helen.


I guess if you took alot of it, it could really screw up your emotions as well as your memory but to much of anything is bad for you, reason i had to take so much to start with is because it was having no effect at all must have a very strong imune system or something.


i think im safe for the about that i do in the space of time which i do them but i dont think i'll be going much of them in the future smile.gif

QUOTE (kitty @ Mar 11 2004, 14:56)

jay,honestly im not debating that pills arent bad for u,they r
i know this but we all make different choices on what we prefere to do on a night out.
whats the point in debating "oh but pills do this to u"
"oh but drink does this to u"
it aint gonna make a difference.

we have the ame opinion on these things the differece is is i like to take the risk on one thing and u on maybe another. its life.


So because we all know that drugs have some sort of negative affect, we are not allowed to discuss it??


im not preaching, im the last person to tell someone they can or cannot do.


my original question was asking what peoples opinion is on the subject and how it has changed.


if you dont want to discuss it, then stop replying to the thread.

its that simple.

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