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E can cause really bad depression though.


I had 6 months of it when I first started takein E to which I could NOT have a weekend in. If I was in on a weekend, I would just be going potty in my own home wishing I was out with all my mates having a good night out.


But I guess that was a PHASE I was going through as I was pretty new to using it.


It got to the stage when my short term memory was literally fucked and it had then start to scare the shite out of me, it got so bad.


I then went through 6 months of TORTURE feeling really shit, crying for no reason, wanting to stay in my room, look at myself in the mirror whilst I was bawling my eyes out questioning myself "why the fuck am I crying" :s


It's a side effect of the drug, and it really is not nice in any way shape or form and I would never like to go back there.


Everyone will suffer a side effect from it. And you will learn from it (some people do and some people don't).


I don't go out and "do one" as much as I did in my first year.

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QUOTE (kitty @ Mar 11 2004, 14:56)
QUOTE (Stu @ Mar 11 2004, 14:50)
QUOTE (kitty @ Mar 11 2004, 14:42)
i dont believe for a minute that u go out and dont drink or do something.

why do people feel the need to do something? drugs help a night out, but they don't make a night out. thats the company and the music.

stu i think we're all aware its the company and the music that make a night,

however how many people go out straight? not many u'll find.

do u honestly go out straight everytime u go out? or do u do something ur not gonna admit to on here?

i have taken things when i've been out before, of course. but recently i realised that i'm best off without them. you don't need to be inebriated to enjoy yourself. i'm not pretending to be some angel about clubbing, i've got fucked like anyone else, but i just don't think its right for me. anymore.

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who's highly strung today then? tongue.gifwink.gif


ok,ok,i get ya point just felt you thought i didnt realise the bad points of it.

which i do.

im quite defensive of bits cause b4 i done them i was very very shy,it was ruining my life,i was scared to cuddle people,scared to show my emotions.

but since ive opened up,ill talk to almost anyone and im more touchy feely,im not so scared of everything.

ok,ive got the shittest memory ever,but i dont plan on doing them 4 ever at all.

they and the friends ive met have helped me in a weird way.


i apologise for getting defensive wink.gif


  • CTW Moderators
QUOTE (Maria @ Mar 11 2004, 15:06)
E can cause really bad depression though.

I had 6 months of it when I first started takein E to which I could NOT have a weekend in. If I was in on a weekend, I would just be going potty in my own home wishing I was out with all my mates having a good night out.

But I guess that was a PHASE I was going through as I was pretty new to using it.

It got to the stage when my short term memory was literally fucked and it had then start to scare the shite out of me, it got so bad.

I then went through 6 months of TORTURE feeling really shit, crying for no reason, wanting to stay in my room, look at myself in the mirror whilst I was bawling my eyes out questioning myself "why the fuck am I crying" :s

It's a side effect of the drug, and it really is not nice in any way shape or form and I would never like to go back there.

Everyone will suffer a side effect from it. And you will learn from it (some people do and some people don't).

I don't go out and "do one" as much as I did in my first year.

I also lost alot of weight. I was smaller than a size SIX, but I felt "fine" and thought I looked "fine", when really, I wasn't.


I lacked alot of energy and could not do what I used to be able to do. i.e run and excercise, or even be bothered to work.


So it fucks up your mental AND physical state.



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when i first started i used to love the buzz then made me realise it wasn't right, and i used to get bad cum downs, but i havent toched and e in over a year becuase they make me cum down quicker and then mog me out, i just think it's a phrase people go trhough then realsie what it does for you

  • CTW DJs
QUOTE (Jay @ Mar 11 2004, 14:28)
heroin was at one time believed to be good for you....

i never had a cold or was ill once in the two years i was on it

(only when i tried to stop... then i got the devils own bone crunching flu.. easily cured tho... i did some more..)


Never again do i wish to go through that...

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QUOTE (kitty @ Mar 11 2004, 14:09)
if ur careful and dont over do it,i really dont see a problem with it.

yeahthat.gif Personally I think that 'SENSIBLE' use of ecstasy is ok.


Like all drugs you can either use or abuse. One pint of lager a week is not going to kill you. 10 pints a day and eventually you'll end up with liver failure.


It's the same with Ecstasy. In moderation I think it's ok. Doing them every week especially 5 or more in one night and you asking for trouble. Without regular breaks for Ecstasy you body (and mind) does not have enough time to recover and even worse you quickly build up a tolerance to it forcing you to take more the next time you're out. I know I'm stating the obvious but it seems many people just don't listen to what the bodies are telling them.


In any case, if you can't go out and enjoy yourself without ecstasy then you should question why you go out at all. Is it to enjoy music, dance, and socialize with friends or is it just get to fucked on drugs. If it's the latter, then you're gonna hit a brick wall sooner or later


Interesting article on Ecstasy (especially the last paragragh 'lost the magic?'):




(if it's too small to read - go to >view >text size in IE thumbs.gif)

Edited by colin66

  • CTW DJs

For me its all about striking a balance. Like some have said, I think/believe moderation is key. In the last 12months, the only times i have taking pills has been on ctw meets (4 meets) all bar maybe 2 weekends over here. Now on those trips I have gone a bit ott maybe, but i allow myself enough time to recover.


However, when i arrive back home I do find it hard going back to work. My job requires me to be very self motivated, and I have to be focused (i dont have the most mentally taxing job but need to have my shit together) but i find it hard to consentrate. So I can see how caining it every weekend can lead into a vicous circle of ups and downs, with the downs getting worse everytime.


But back to me "striking a balance" theory. Taking pills for me does go hand in hand with big clubbing events (ctw meets for me). Im sure I could do the nights straight but I enjoy it with pills and get a kinda "blowing off steam" feeling. But I will measure my future intake of said drug on how the comedowns/depression blance against the good times. If the former starts to outbalance the latter then its time to move on. Until them I am happy with moderation.


As for the long term affects, its something ive thought about. But if i stop taking them I may aswell stop smoking, stop drinking, and eating unhealthily. As I do all of these in moderation.

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From my 13 / 14 yrs of being naughty, id say that weed has had the most detrimental effect on me, psychosis from smoking to much and not wanting to go out fukt me up for a good few yrs.

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QUOTE (ChrisT @ Mar 12 2004, 01:02)
From my 13 / 14 yrs of being naughty, id say that weed has had the most detrimental effect on me, psychosis from smoking to much and not wanting to go out fukt me up for a good few yrs.

agreed chris. wink.gif

ive seen alot of mates who carried on smoking weed once we left school go down hill, their paranoid,lazy and do nothing with their lifes.

my brother only started smoking weed when he was 20 but now he's almost 28 and im worried about him.

He has no ambitions,gets in trouble at work for not going in,sleeps all day and night, funny moods, he sits in his bedroom with a group of people(all under 21yrs)

and does bongs and gets fucked out of his face.its like being at school again.

i hate seeing him with no zest for life,no nothing.he agrees its the weed but cant stop.

And other mates walk around perminatly looking stoned,and their memories worse then mine(thats saying something!)..


i also agree totally with what colin says too..

everything in moderation is ok,i also know people who smoke weed in moderation and they hold a job good,are great company,and have goals and ambitions and a zest for life,so moderations the key.

Same as drink,i may slate drink but if ur sensible its fine,its just the cainers i dislike but then who likes being around anyone who's caining it on anything? unsure.gif


I go to bed after getting home, eat well when I get up and can't remember the last time I was ill as a result of a long weekend.


5-HTP is a godsend.

Edited by Moderator1

Jay - I saw this and actually thought you were taking the piss at first...


MDMA has been around for about 100 years mate.. Pills are slightly different as they are a mixture of different drugs, so there is going to be a difference between them...


What pisses me off is when people blame pills for the way they feel, when clearly they have taken load of other drugs in the same night, such as k.e.t then wonder why they feel like shit early the week after...


Yeah, anything that makes you feel good is bad for you, some things are worse than others, but at the end of the day, it is your own responsibility to moderate what you do, if something s making you feel bad, then stop doing it, or at least cut down.. If you can't, then you have a problem...


What I do on the weekends is basically up to me.. As long as I can do my work during the week, then I feel i'm fine... And as for making people thick(or is it tick wink.gif ), you know what I do for a living Jay and I have to use my brain (what there is of it) everyday for what I do and come up with new ways of doing things... As I have been doing this for a long time now, I don't feel I have lost any edge in my work, so don't see this as a problem... shrug.gif


There is an article on gurn about clubbing when you get older that you might find interesting... http://www.gurn.net/html/features/howoldistooold.shtml

Edited by RickD

  • CTW DJs

QUOTE (kitty @ Mar 11 2004, 14:09)
so what do u guys do when u go out then?

More often than not, nothing. I'm not for or against illegal drugs until we know the full facts on them. Based on anecdotal evidence (cos that's all we've got!) I'd say that ecstacy DOES have mid/long-term side-effects.


I don't understand your line of argument Kitty.


1. You seem to imply that taking pills is okay (or relatively safe) on the basis that there are other things that are more harmful. Please can you explain to me how, for example, the dangers of alcohol abuse make pills any safer?


2. Your example of alcohol is flawed.

a. As has been said, we already know the long-term effects of alcohol.

b. It IS safe to use alcohol in moderation.

c. Yes, alcohol has had greater negative effects because more people abuse it and because our society practically condones alcohol abuse.


In other words, I don't think exaggerating the dangers of alcohol (as a drug, used in moderation) adds any weight to the argument of whether pills are good or bad.

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Used in moderation I doubt pills in the long run are that bad - ie if u only go clubbin for say 5 yrs out of ur life and do 2 or 3 pills a month but when u start doing 2 - 3 + a nite 2 nites a week then its def gonna catch up with u - I've had quiet a few pill breaks and felt better for it after, its shit feelin knackered in work all wk jsut coz of the w/end, I know peeps thats do 5 - 10 a nite every wk n theres no way that can be good for u! I'm having another pill break at the mo - went out last nite and did it straight and feel soo much better waking up with a clear head! Tho saying that alcohol for me is far worse than drink & get hangovers 10 times worse than comedowns so everyones different I guess! Personally I think their both as bad as each other - alcohol kills ur liver and pills fry ur brain blink.gif

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