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I don't think I could let my own life continue if I had children and some evil kids, or anyone for that matter, abused and then murdered my children.


when I watched the stroy of Jessicca last night, It made me think of how I would feel if anything of the sort happened to any of my nieces and nephews, and then how I would feel if I was a mother myself.


I really coudn't live with all kind of thoughts and "seeings" inmy head every day of my living life. Seeing and trying to feel what pain they went through. It would seriously fuck me up.


I really feel sick right now and don;t want to comment on this post again.




Edited by Maria

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QUOTE (Rascal @ Mar 12 2004, 14:15)

Look at Madrid...what possible reason could someone have to do that. 9-11. Bali. Iraq. And many others.

Acts of pure evil. These boys are a representation of just that.

the thing is people see it in newspapers and on tv and dont always take in how serious it is what happened.its like watching a movie...worlds away.

on sept 11th it happened while i was working and it came on tv shortly afterwards...my colleagues said "oh shit" then got on with it, i just sat there stunned,sometimes u'll see things in a paper etc but its so surreal u dont really take it in exactly whats happened,the only way u'll ever know how these people feel is to be there or put urself in there place to get some sort of understanding.


i mean imagine running out of a building and BOOSH a body splats in front of u,imagine hearing screams like uve never heard b4,or being stuck and its a choice of jumping from 16th floor or being burnt alive...

...i cant even comprehand the pain these people suffered and the things people saw...

its the same with madrid and the same with jamie and holly and jessica..

..i cant even slightly comprehend how someone would want to or could do these pure evil things to others,to infact innocent people.


i pray the people of madrid get over this,that it never happens over here.


sorry wandering off topic a bit..


We don't know how fit these guys are to be let back into society, that's for the courts to judge and they obviously think they're ok.


None of us our judges and from the replies I've seen on here I'm glad of that. I have faith in our legal system and I think the general public should have more faith in it and allow these kids a 2nd chance.


They were 10 when they did it.

  • CTW Promotors
QUOTE (Kether @ Mar 12 2004, 14:50)

They were 10 when they did it.

Well that says it all really & how society is this day & age!! 10 FFS!! They should be out playing football etc not, lets go around killing 2 year olds mad.gifmad.gif


If they have it in them to do it at 10, then what the fook are they capable of now eh??? mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

QUOTE (Kether @ Mar 12 2004, 14:50)
We don't know how fit these guys are to be let back into society, that's for the courts to judge and they obviously think they're ok.

None of us our judges and from the replies I've seen on here I'm glad of that. I have faith in our legal system and I think the general public should have more faith in it and allow these kids a 2nd chance.

They were 10 when they did it.


is their age an excuse for their behaviour then kether??


would you have been able to distinguish whether what they did was right or wrong at the age of 10??



  • CTW Members
QUOTE (miss_diddy @ Mar 12 2004, 14:53)
QUOTE (Kether @ Mar 12 2004, 14:50)

They were 10 when they did it.

Well that says it all really & how society is this day & age!! 10 FFS!! They should be out playing football etc not, lets go around killing 2 year olds mad.gifmad.gif


If they have it in them to do it at 10, then what the fook are they capable of now eh??? mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif

Totally with this one.


Sorry I don't mean to sound like a lynch mob or anything. BUT THIS IS WRONG. They are sick, I don't see that changing.


  • CTW DJs


i mean, can u see the US lettin saddam or bin laden out after 10yrs in detention?




  • CTW Members
QUOTE (dave m @ Mar 12 2004, 15:26)
i mean, can u see the US lettin saddam or bin laden out after 10yrs in detention?


i see ur point babe,but a little different...kinda...but i get ya. wink.gif


  • CTW DJs



QUOTE (dave m @ Mar 12 2004, 15:26)
i mean, can u see the US lettin saddam or bin laden out after 10yrs in detention?


totally different case, you can't really compare the two. osama and hussein are grown men who knew exactly what they were doing and carefully orchestrated the murder of thousands of people, including genocide in the case of hussein. in no way am i saying that what ahppened was right, i don't know the facts of what's gone on with the two boys since they murdered jamie bulger and neither does anyone else on here.

  • CTW DJs



i woz being hypothetical. kitty knew wot i woz on about





now who's took things outta context eh? lol.gif

but in this case your analogy is flawed tongue.gif

  • CTW DJs



no it's not. these 2 boys have been released, and who's to say that they won't commit murder again as adults(if u can call em that). it'd be like the US releasing saddam and bin laden after 10yrs for horrific crimes(saddams millions and bin ladens thousands) thinking they were "rehabilitated" , only for them to commit these crimes again. these boys knew wot they were doin, and some crackpot pissed up judge has decided that these 2 killers should go free. where is the justice in that for poor little Jamie Bulger.



can u see the families of the 3,000 killed on 9/11 bein so forgiving to the US administration if bin laden walked free after only 10yrs? i don't think so. i'm currently doin a law course, so i don't think my anology is flawed thanx.gif

  • CTW Members
QUOTE (dave m @ Mar 12 2004, 16:49)
no it's not. these 2 boys have been released, and who's to say that they won't commit murder again as adults(if u can call em that). it'd be like the US releasing saddam and bin laden after 10yrs for horrific crimes(saddams millions and bin ladens thousands) thinking they were "rehabilitated" , only for them to commit these crimes again. these boys knew wot they were doin, and some crackpot pissed up judge has decided that these 2 killers should go free. where is the justice in that for poor little Jamie Bulger.

can u see the families of the 3,000 killed on 9/11 bein so forgiving to the US administration if bin laden walked free after only 10yrs? i don't think so. i'm currently doin a law course, so i don't think my anology is flawed thanx.gif

ohhh ark at dave... wink.gifhuggles.gif


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