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I posted the stats cos i did them, for MY own interest and cos i thought other peeps might find them intresting. Not to be clever, or make a big point, nor to say any of the other things you all think, or presume, that i am, or might be saying, or implying.

nb They are NOT just there for people to read, someone has to work them out. But that's easy if you have excel.

In themselves they tell a story, about how the board is doing since it's re-launch, especially when you compare them with the old board...where peeps periodically did similar mathematical exercises, and posted them.

The reason i'm still here is cos i like it, i've been here for ages, longer than most. and cos i made a commitment to be and stay here, i have friends here, and cos it's not a hard house site. Though the non-hard house people seem to be hemorrhaging.

i am staggered that a relatively innocuous remark on another site, where the humour is very different to this one, could have caused you all so much offence. I am not sure what that says, i'm just amazed i could have had such a big impact.

If someone had said that another board was full of Trance monkeys or Funky house monkeys, or whatever, i think it would have been ignored.

Hard House Monkeys and CTW on the other hand...seems to have hit a bit of a nerve....ah well u live an learn...

I remember once three or four of us did a fantasy post, it was a very involved and long and f*cking funny , and ended up with claire dc shoving her pimp cane up tidy trax grant's arse.

That and Creamy Does Dallas, and his posts generally, and Ali's posts , and the banter, and the smut forum, and the random bollox, and the music forums and the meet ups, and all the leading edge debates about incrediblly controversial subjects is what CTW was all about, growing evolving, getting better.. but now sadly, we seem to have regressed somewhat.

Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.

On 3/15/2004 at 1:41 PM, James said:

Also bare in mind that many may not register or post, but many still come on to check what we're up to and still enjoying clubbing with many on here - that is all this site was intended for and the concept continues to work well.

NB Good point above Jizzer..might well take u up on that.


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i'm not going to read this ^

  • CTW Promotors

& im sure peeps on this site are quite capable of working out the statistics themselves, if they want to know rolleyes.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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^ or perhaps some people just prefer to stick their head in the sand - tell themselves they're friendly and welcoming when that's actually not the case? who knows - that's just one way of looking at it and it could be rubbish.

i agree with big_ee69 that some people take this kind of objective information way too personally and extremely seriously which, to me, is ironic because i'm always being told to lighten up by some members who, when told to lighten up themselves, can't or won't do it... anyway, i digress. http://clubtheworld.ipbhost.com/html/emoticons/smile.gif

when the old site was running, i did some stats and, as now, it was clear that a tiny percentage of members were responsible for a very large amount of the content on the board. i'm interested in understanding what that means to CTW.

i've been around CTW (new&old) for longer than almost any current active member and i want to see it succeed. an inevitable part of that is looking at the current state of affairs and tryign to understand why things happen the way they happen. i like to ask questions of myself and others because i think that's a healthy process. i guess some people would simply rather not hear any bad news?

whatever happens, kudos as ever to james for rescuing CTW from what would have been, for many other sites, a fatal blow.


"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

  • CTW DJs
i guess some people would simply rather not hear any bad news?

I don't understand how this is bad news

The site is running fine

I think people are responding to big_ee69 because of some comments he made about CTW on another site

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QUOTE (Tony.P @ Mar 16 2004, 21:41)

I don't understand how this is bad news
The site is running fine

ermm Tony 10 people posting half the content. God knows how u would define bad news?

  • CTW Moderators
On 3/17/2004 at 12:20 AM, big_ee69 said:
QUOTE (Tony.P @ Mar 16 2004, 21:41)

I don't understand how this is bad news
The site is running fine


ermm Tony 10 people posting half the content. God knows how u would define bad news?

Yes and what Big e ?

What's the problem if all Members arent posting ?

Do you have a solution to the 'problem' ?


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It's more than that. @Maria most people who join don't post. and Don't stay. Those who do post, post rarely, so most of the content is coming from the same 10 people. Who appear a closed group, so people don't join in, so they leave. It's a vicious circle.

The old board was similar, but had much larger numbers of people. So it didn't matter as much.

Unless the hit rate improves, james won't be able to get advertisng, or attract sponsorship, and you will get into the same situation as before, when the site becomes un-economic to run. That's the problem. What needs to be done about it is another question. Ali has moderated loads of boards.. And i'm sure he will have a few suggestions. Thanks for the support btw. M8.


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"ooh ooh ahh ahh" said the hard house monkey.

  • CTW Members
QUOTE (big_ee69 @ Mar 16 2004, 16:38)
It's more than that. Maria most people who join don't post. and Don't stay. Those who do post, post rarely, so most of the content is coming from the same 10 people.  Who appear a closed group, so people don't join in, so they leave.

i think this is the crux of the discussion. i invite people to try to discuss this with as little emotion as possible.

obviously, CTW is more than just the forum - a lot more - but for new members, the forum is often their first introduction to the community.

it's evident to any reasonably impartial observer that a lot of people join but don't stay - i don't think it should be a crime to ask why, do you?

as i said, the forum is an element of CTW's appeal and you have to measure the success (or otherwise) of that element somehow. what does it say to you that a tiny proportion of the membership are responsible for the huge bulk of the forum content?

Ali has moderated loads of boards.. And i'm sure he will have a few suggestions.


i have not moderated loads of boards - i moderate on one other board. it's a pretty different board than this so i'm not sure how much of my experience there applies here.

anyway, i've always made james aware of any suggestions i have for improvement and he can take all of that at face value. i trust his judgement to do what's best for CTW.

my point? hmm. i guess my point is that issues like this are not an attack - if all people want to discuss is what's going well, surely people agree that's a recipe for disaster.

onwards and upwards http://clubtheworld.ipbhost.com/html/emoticons/smile.gif


"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

  • CTW Members

QUOTE (big_ee69 @ Mar 17 2004, 00:38)
It's more than that. Maria most people who join don't post. and Don't stay. Those who do post, post rarely, so most of the content is coming from the same 10 people.  Who appear a closed group, so people don't join in, so they leave.  It's a vicious circle.
The old board was similar, but had much larger numbers of people. So it didn't matter as much.
Unless the hit rate improves, james won't be able to get advertisng, or attract sponsorship, and you will get into the same situation as before, when the site becomes un-economic to run.  That's the problem. What needs to be done about it is another question. Ali has moderated loads of boards.. And i'm sure he will have a few suggestions. Thanks for the support btw. M8.


well, i can assure you that im not in the closed group, infact it can be just as lonely out here but joining in with the conversation.....but i think thats the point, i still join in, and to be honest we help keep topics going for longer (and probably start a lot of them aswell, be them good or crap).


some people only come on here to promote themselfs, some people come on here just to cause friction, some people come on here just to see whats on at the weekend, we cannot force people to post in subjects there not interested in..........................but the top 10 posters get involved with all the topics (interested or not) which is not a bad thing surely rolleyes.gif i, mean if it wasnt for the same old people, none of the newbies would be answered in the welcome posts........and that would look even worse yes.gif


should we sit back and let others that dont post as much take over and see what happens?

  • CTW Promotors

Big-ee69, I think I can see your??? however, as you pointed out, it appears to be the odd 10 or so that regularly post etc, well IMO, it is the 10 or so regs from the old board, but I think it's more than 10 as CTW has a few new members, not from the old board, who post & have been welcomed.


The thing is, you seem to be maybe missing James point about how he see's his board!!


He is not after a massive chat forum, he is working on building a site, where most of the members, meet & get to know everyone on a personal level & have regular meets, be it at bars, clubs or trips away, obviously for some members, ie Alasdiar, it is not that easy due to the distance, but it is not an impossibility & would be great if we could make it possible to meet, so you see it is not about huge numbers.


If certain members have chose to leave & come back, that is their porrogative, some peeps do grow & move away, but I think you will find the members who post at the moment, all get along & in time im sure, the site will gradually grow grin.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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^ but (with sincere apologies to james for dredging this up - i'm sure you know what i mean wink.gif ), if the plan is to stick to building a community who can meet regularly (i.e live close) why is the site called clubtheworld - the name suggests a grander vision.





Edited by alasdairm

"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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