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Friday - drinks up in London Bridge with my new girlfriend Carla

Saturday - found message from Creamy about forums screwed up. Was 'narked' to say the least.

Saturday night - Cinema - Blade II - SHITE - fight scenes and nothing else to it - Blade I was much better

Sunday - went to greenwich park with Carla and her daughter for a walk and then went to Tarot card reader (very interesting / everything I wanted to hear) and then went to Pizza Express for a nice lasagne

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James, you b*stard! I want one of those weekends with a bird!


Anyway, heres my run down.......


Friday - Romford (after noticing the forums had been taken over!)


Saturday - All day in Kent, various pubs THEN DeJa Vu in the evening, met some 29 yr old bird who looked 18! Whey hey!!!!!


Sunday - Recovered by going out to a pub for lunch and a few more drinks!!!!


The 29 year old was the highlight - WHAT A BIRD!


The only problem was she loves cheesy teeny bopper music [Fecked Off]


Cant have it all!!!!!!




[ 08 April 2002, 14:28: Message edited by: CreamyC ]

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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WoooooooooooHooooooooooo Creamy's got an older woman!!! HAHAHA


Friday- In with boyf watching a crap DVD called SW9, supposedly about the rave scene but totally stupid. At least i gotta shag after! LOL

Saturday- Stayed in again!! and had the pleasure of watching my mum and her mates get ready to go out clubbing, hehehe.

Sunday- Cyberdog shopping with Soph!!! [Made Up]

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Well yes it was my weekend of rest. I do deserve one though so please dont mock my effort of a weekend..... [Confused]


Friday-> Pub with mates for a few drinks, then (sigh) back home.


Saturday---> Went to mates, got so tempted by the dark side but resisited and, yes, stayed in.

[Freaked Out]


Sunday--> GARLANDS! come on i cant stay in all weekend. have i got a problem do u think? Anywayz had a wicked night and Debiy got me in free (Bloody star girl! [Wink] )


There you go ill expect a flood of concerend emails, please dont be to harsh.



---> Beaker <--- 
Times may change, but standards will always remain.

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FrIdAy - went to gods kitchen to see fergie do 6 hour set had an argument with b'friend over fone on the way down got in code for free and got wasted!


SaTuRdAy - spent half day in bed tryin to recover, ignored fone calls off b'friend, got changed and went to goldens re-opening in stoke on trent, got wasted again!


SuNdAy - woke up, realised it was my dads b'day and had to rush up town b4 the shops shut to get him a present and then had to sit through a family meal, pretending i could eat and trying my hardest to swallow - drank 3 jugs of water in the process and put my thirstyness down to the hot weather! Got in and collapsed in bed


MoNdAy - still not come down! oops [Roll Eyes]

HiGh AbOvE tHe StReEtS aNd HoUsEs RaInBoWs FlYiN hIgH........

  • CTW Members

I fear the my weekend was as dull as Beakers.

Don't know quite whats happening to me am I getting old or was it just a lapse?


FRI ------> Went to Tesco yes the supermarket for stain devils for my trousers. (a blackcurrent stain from two weeks previous) Then for a drive with my ex, very dangerous I know. Then Bed


SAT -------> To aintree for the day, lost lots of money. [Fecked Off]

Then a mad night out on my sofa, just me, Moulin Rouge an a tub of Hagen Daas.


SUN -------> Garlands, but left early. Must be coming down with something. [Freaked Out]

  • CTW Promotors

CreamyC finds this very interesting, Kate says:


"FRI ------> Went to Tesco yes the supermarket for stain devils for my trousers. (a blackcurrent stain from two weeks previous) Then for a drive with my ex, very dangerous I know. Then Bed"


Kate, read the boldness, bed? On your own, is this a little confession Katey Poos???



MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

  • CTW Members

My weekend was a quite one aswell! [Confused]


Friday -- Went to the pub with a few mates, got drunk and stumbled home.


Saturday -- In the day I went shopping for my outfit for Gatecrasher and then went to my mates house and got wasted and went to a couple of pubs and stumbled home


Sunday -- Woke up a bit skethcy, [Freaked Out] got a vid and some take away food and relaxed for the rest of the day!


Im saving myself for Gatecrasher weekend! [Made Up]

  • CTW DJs

Friday - Went out with girlfriend for a meal and few drinks, very nice and then back to mine, say no more!


Saturday - Got completely stoned round a mates awesome flat with about 8 others, drove home, that was an experience. Watched American Pie 2 for the 4/5th time!


Sunday - Back to mates house in afternoon to finish off what i started the night before [Wink] Down the HoneyClub Brighton for Sundazed, the best night of Hard House and Trance found in the city on a sunday!


Pretty chilled really...

  • CTW Admin

Creamy - HoneyClub on a Sunday is a MUST for me next time - please update the schedule!!!


ps. new SHARED CALENDAR coming soon so we all know what everybody is up to / what their intentions are. It needs to be clear who is going to which event.



CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

  • CTW Promotors

I can honestly say Rob that it was one banging night! The last two hours were fantastic and the girls who we were dancing with were brill, they're in the Brighton pics somewhere!!! Just a shame that its so long til the next one [Confused]


James - Its as good as DONE! [Wink]



MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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